
open GL , Direct X or Glide

Started by August 16, 2001 11:30 AM
9 comments, last by Zenshai 23 years, 3 months ago
I am new in prigramming(C 1 Month)and I want to learn more so I can make my own game(I dream that it will be a 3d game).Please tell me what should I learn????Open GL , Direct X or Glide and why?Please I know it`s too soon to strt with this but I think that if I have the right direction I will evolve to a better programming level more quikly.I want to thank everyone for reading this replying or not. Thank you for spending some of your time I know it`s valuable.
Have you kept your eye on the computer industry lately? Things move at a rapid pace. Video cards tripple speeds ever 6 months. The same goes for software. It''s hard to say what API''s will and won''t be around by the time you gain enough knowledge to use them.

Though I''m sure the OpenGL and DirectX die hards will argue that point with me until I''m in the grave.

Application Programming Interfaces such as OpenGL or DirectX are just an extension of your own knowledge, in specific areas. For instance if you know matrix math, and quaternion math...implementing movement in 3d is a breeze with either API. So my suggestion is to learn the math, programming and theory behind the API''s. This way when it comes time for you to learn one, it won''t be as difficult of a transition.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
Either DirectX or OpenGL. Check < href = "">NeHe for examples of OpenGL and NeXe for examples of Direct3d stuff. Then pick the one that looks better to you. Glide is dead forget about it.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
Thank you both.You have been very helpful.

Btw, the Glide API has been dead for a couple of years now, really. That is why the others recommended OpenGL and Direct3D.
GLIDE is dead. R.I.P.

As are all Voodoo cards. If you''re going for 3D develompment, you should have a decent card. Not only because your early code will not be optimized, but you can''t really program in OpenGL or Direct3D without hardware accelleration.

Gaiomard Dragon
Gaiomard Dragon-===(UDIC)===-
all right, let me say this: If you want to make 2D game use Direct X. You can do it in OpenGL but its alot harder, and less indirect.
If your developing for more than one OS, then OpenGL is better.
Also, there are alot more books and tutorials for Direct X. Keven and Dave(members of the GDNet staff) were the only people to ever publish a GOOD openGL game programming book. NeHe are the onyl good openGL tutorials around.
Basically, OpenGL is better, but when it comes to 2D its harder.

If you dont know any windows programming, you need to learn it first.
Good Luck.

"I''''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''''Urden
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
I want to thank the rest of you for replying .

Thank you very much for your really really valuable info.

Thanks again.

quote: Original post by Drizzt DoUrden
all right, let me say this: If you want to make 2D game use Direct X. You can do it in OpenGL but its alot harder, and less indirect.
If your developing for more than one OS, then OpenGL is better.
Also, there are alot more books and tutorials for Direct X. Keven and Dave(members of the GDNet staff) were the only people to ever publish a GOOD openGL game programming book. NeHe are the onyl good openGL tutorials around.
Basically, OpenGL is better, but when it comes to 2D its harder.

If you dont know any windows programming, you need to learn it first.
Good Luck.

"I''ve sparred with creatures from the nine hells themselves... I barely plan on breaking a sweat here, today."~Drizzt Do''Urden

A lot more DX books? Only because Direct3D is needlessly complex and poorly documented by Microsoft. All you need to get going on a basic 3D Opengl game is in NeHe. I needed several web sites, a book, and a good amount of frustration before getting DirectX working at all. OpenGL worked the first time.

Besides, since Zenshai is new and writes c code, OpenGL might be easier because in order to use DirectX you have to learn C++.

Even though I use Windows programming, you can use GLUT in place of Windows code to make things easier.

And if you use DirectX 8 for 2D OpenGL''s not so much harder.

Oh, and don''t expect to be able to make something like Quake III your first game.
I can tell you what the hardcode industry thinks about choosing an API for graphics.

If you want to produce perfect games in very little time and keep control of it all at the same time. Use OpenGL.
As a bonus you will also get portability and nice remarks from fellow coders. OpenGL coders are generally percieved as ''smart''.
There are excellent forums and documentation that will help you in your quest at

If you want to help Microsoft and maybe gain some marketing help when selling a game. You should choose D3D (part of DX).
As a bonus you loose portability (which kills other OS) and gain looooooong nights and days of coding(fun) and learning, just to get the initial D3D window to pop up saying "Hello world".

There is actually one much harder and more divine ''API'' to choose. Pure software.
As a bonus you will become the Elite of the elite in coding and will, if you succeed in producing a good game, be honored like the God you are. Although this solution is NOT a way to make money or good games fast.

My advice is: Choose OpenGL first. Its the easiest API to learn.

The Game Industry
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