
QUERY #2: FPS Controls?

Started by August 16, 2001 01:21 AM
30 comments, last by SoLongMrMexTaco 23 years, 4 months ago
That configuration is less memorable for a new user though. A ''cursor key'' style layout is memorable because the ''go left'' key is on the left, the ''go forward'' key is at the front, ''go backwards'' is at the back, etc. So it would take a little longer for them to learn the keys.

Depending on whether they need the right-mouse button for anything else though, you could have the right mouse button and the ''forward'' key both doing the same thing.
I am new here so hello to everyone.

I realized watching people play quake 3, unreal and counter strike that newbies or amateurs use cursor keys for movement and get confused with free look.

When they get a bit better, for example when they start dodging bullets and all that they use wasd or variations because you can press space to jump, tab to show scores and e, q and f to bind weapons.

I downloaded lot of quake3 config files from pro players and i can tell you that it is impossible to play. Some of them have extremely different fov values, some use right click to change fov or go backwards etc.

So i would go for the cursor keys as default and in the controls config menu add the wasd setup which is very famous as an option and of course, manual configuration.
(c) 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd, 0:1
Well , I use arrows for mvt and strafe , r-ctrl to jump keypad-ins to crouch . I can also use wasd.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
you need basic controls, people dont read instructions until thre stumped, so make left arrows left and space fire
Master Programmer!I rule!(I wish)
I always rebind the left/right arrow to strafe, I found the inverted mouse-look the most intuitive (like a pilot would expect, or anyone who''s ever play any sort of flight sim).

It would seriously frost my balls if I played a modern PC game without rebindable keys. I''d like to take the ID method one step further, and allow bindable combinations to activate an event (one or two keys required to be pressed, i.e. shift-r is different than just r)

Magmai Kai Holmlor
- Not For Rent
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
I personally like a style similar to Tha_Hoodrat''s. I use the arrow keys to move (up: forward, down: back, left: strafe left, right: strafe right) and then i use mouselook, left mouse button for "fire", right mouse button for "action" (press, open, etc.) and then Ins for "jump" and Ctrl for scrolling through weapons or "crouch."

For my mod, i''m thinking about a base system like that (rebindable), altough Ctrl will be for "Menu." I''m trying to make it as simple as possible and as near as i can tell, that would probably be the best system for new players and then veterans can do whatever they''d like.

Peace out.

Peace out.MrMexTaco
My config on all FPS games:

mouse aim enabled + very high sensitivity
always run enabled
WSAD = moving + strafing
left mouse button = shoot
right mouse button = jump
space = alternative fire
r = reload
e = use
q,f = very common weapon
1,2,3 = not so common weapon
left shift = crouch
c = walk (never use though)
tab = some rare stuff (eg. lock on target on Blade of Darkness)

Works perfectly for me. I also tried EDSF once to get more keys for weapons, but found out that it wasn''t really necessary to get any more action buttons.

-Hans [home]
quote: Original post by Magmai Kai Holmlor
It would seriously frost my balls if I played a modern PC game without rebindable keys. in the northland doesn''t frost ''em enough already? Or did you mean, like, Betty Crocker frosting, man?
...for sure not a dumb-ass...

I would try and make a FPS using as few buttons, mice, etc as possible, as too many keys just make things to complicated. I''d say just to use a max of 8 or 10 keys, and let the user define them themselves. Already in this thread, plenty of people have been mentioning their favourite control systems, and most of them are diferent in some way. Too many keys would scare players from playing the game (well, it would scare me), and keys that seem natrual to one person could feel impossible to another.

~ There''s no substitute for failure ~
Ah.. this takes me back.. Back in the Doom1 and Doom2 days, we never played on the web, and only on LAN, and none of use ever used mouse, just keyboard. Anyone remember the default key setup for Doom on Keyboard Arrows keys for movement on the right hand, and you had a toggle key to make the left and right arrow keys become sidestep, and your left hand was shift/alt/ctrl/and space for jump.

Anyway, I think they dont make games paced at the level of the old original Quake1 CTF players because it requires that people be able handle a complex control and communication system and add the speed and physics complexity of the grappling hook to deathmatch and most people cant even keep up... and thats why gaming has been dumbed down to simple controls and MUCH slower paces in games like Counter-Strike. IMHO the best counter-striker and even the best UT player could not even keep up the original Q1 CTF leets. Why? because we used 30 plus keys constantly to communicate as a team toward a common goal that took the most elite players to pull it off. One guy didnt just camp around and walk around with a hitscan wep and one-shot kill pple, he came flying out of the pond in the middle of your base with a grapple, spun around and spammed every dude in your base with a quad RL before he switched back to grapple and swung toward the other side of the base, snagged your flag, and grapple out through the transporter.. without ever touching his feet to the ground.. all the while he was hitting macros telling his teammates to move into position and cover his ass on the other side of the transporter (this of course all planned in advance). We probably used about fifteen different keys to pull these kinda of manuevers off, not too mention the timing and aiming, and adaptive skills. The average CS game is slow compared to this that my hands go numb, and I begin to fall asleep.. ugg this is where FPS gaming has gone? I went back to UT and is was a little more exiting, but still not at the same pace at all.

They think that CS takes more teammwork?! HOGWASH!.. the average CS team would get slaughtered by the original Q1 CTF leets? why? Because we had play books that looked like an NFL coachs! And we had them down to man on man coverage, because we looked at footage of the clan we were going to play next. On top of that, we didnt have these pussy simple maps with only 2 ways to go this way or that, and we had to control resoursces on the map, we didnt have a buy point where we could buy weps. And how pussy is it to make the losing team have a disadvantage after losing a round.. thats so pussy! In Q1, we started the next map, EVEN. Why? because we were confident we could kick their asses again, and didnt need any rewards or a slap on the back for kicking ass. God!.. Im so pissed now! I really miss the good ole days. CS hahah.. left right up down jump fire .. and maybe second fire.. throw a grenade.. thats all you need... how PUSSY! When some guy kills me in CS, Im like "that was so boring".. but I just crack up at the way pple die in Q1... chunky salsa baby!!.. and how it happens too.. so much more original and takes WAY more skill.
"The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end"

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