
How can i start a Indie Team?

Started by July 02, 2010 09:06 AM
5 comments, last by dpadam450 14 years, 4 months ago
Hello i askt alot of my Friends if they would like to join me make a Game they mostly sayd yes. But they didn't have any talent like no Programming,no Concept drawning, no Moddeling nothing realy. Im not sure if im doing something wrong getting People to help me make a Team. Can you people please tell me how to make a Indie Team or maybe a way to get people to join it? :/

Thx for the anwsers now.
You need to have one or more of four things;

Mates with skills, who will turn up and work for your team for either free or a share of future profits.

Family with skills, who you can emotionally blackmail into working for you for free or for a share of future profits.

Money, with which to hire strangers with skills to work for you.

The ability to convince strangers with skills to work for you for a share of future profits.

{Listed in decreasing order of likelihood for a startup games company}

If you have none of these, then you will have to do it all yourself. This is actually no different from starting any other sort of company really.
What skills do you have yourself ?

If you want people to help you for free you'll have to be prepared to pull a far larger load than those working for you and for that you need some skill.
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
If you haven't completed or been on a team before this, I'd suggest you start there. The Help Wanted is a great place to cruise for new and established teams looking for anyone to help. Working on a project with others will not only show you how to start a team and manage it, but it will give you some game dev contacts and some experience when you actually try recruiting others. It really is a win-win situation.

If you are still set on starting your own team, then do it, but start by yourself first. You cannot expect to get anyone on your team without some initial work before hand. Build a design doc, a tech demo, or even a few pieces of music, anything you plan on doing in the team you should start with and promote as you try to pull people in. Again, the Help Wanted forum is a great resource for finding contacts to start your team.

Did I mention Help Wanted?

=============================RhinoXNA - Easily start building 2D games in XNA!Projects

I had a question concerning this subject too. Basically I just wanted to know if anyone on the forums has ever been successful in recruiting strangers on your team, to work part time on your game project without pay? ...So as to convince them to work for you and in return be paid for their labor, via the profits made from customers purchasing the game?

Any thing else I should take into consideration?
I suspect many people have "recruited people".

A more valuable question might be if anyone has recruited someone without money up front onto a project which has gone on to ship more than 100 units commercially.

{Why 100? Low threshold, but it's high enough to be more than just mates-of-mates buying it}.

Its not recruiting for a team, its finding people to collaborate with. A lot of people just post mod ideas /game ideas and will pick up people if the project interests them. People looking to make games find other people to make games.

Starting teams online is nearly impossible. I have never actually seen an online collaboration produce a final game whether free or for money. You cant just start a team, you have to know how to do something and find other people that actually know other things. If I were you I would just learn as much as you can by yourself.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

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