
local based open source / free digital asset management system

Started by June 30, 2010 09:22 AM
-1 comments, last by FableFox 14 years, 4 months ago
To cut long story short, has anyone here used a local based open source / free digital asset management system.

I googled a lot, but many of the open source / enterprise run on cloud / server / etc.

I'm going to try tomorrow, and see if it can be run locally or i have to use lamp/wamp or iss.

the point is, i'm going to have a lot of media, some are public domain (of multiple type), some are cc, some cover multiple theme / tag. and next year i plan to do things and I want to be able to have local library on this.

For example if i plan to have star image and sad music, i want to search, like,

public domain star sky, and later midi sad public domain. of course, if i saw a nice public domain image of flower yellow, and could tag it as flower yellow sky happy.

Is there a local .exe application that do all this? Or because the nature of the process itself (collection of a lot of item) most digital asset management are cenrtalized/ cloud /web / server based?


Do you have any of your favourites? How do you run it locally?

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