
Installing OpenGL (and SDL) for Ubuntu Linux

Started by June 27, 2010 08:35 PM
2 comments, last by Caste 14 years, 4 months ago
This installation works for the gcc compiler that is installed with Ubuntu Linux, and will allow you to compile and run the NeHe tutorials that have been recoded for use under Linux/SDL by Ti Leggett (and others).

It will also work with SDL and OpenGL programs coded for gforth v7, using the libcc interface package.

I have just verified (06/27/2010) that this works on a fresh installation of Ubuntu Linux v10.04 LTS.

--- This does not install *everything* OpenGL, but I have worked through about half of the NeHe tutorials without having to add additional packages as yet.

*** *** ***

From the desktop of your Ubuntu Linux installation, run the Synaptic Package Manager (System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager), enter your password, and enter 'libsdl' into the search box. You will get a listing of many possible packages, but these are the ones that you need to mark for installation:


If the checkbox for one of these is already green (installed), do not reinstall it.

Sometimes, when you mark an entry, a window will pop up with a list of multiple files that will also be included. Accept the additional files, and mark all for installation in the package. An example of this is that we marked seven packages above, but about 50 will have been marked for installation.

Once you have marked these, click on the Apply button on the top line menu, and the selected packages will be installed.

Next, enter 'libgl' into the search box, and select the entry for


Mark the entry for install, then click Apply to do so.

-- The libgl1-mesa-dev file can be loaded during the processing of the above SDL libraries, so if it is already marked, do not re-install it.

In the search box, enter 'libglu', and select the entries:


Mark the entries for install, then click Apply to do so.

The last graphical package to add is 'xorg' - enter this into the search box and select the following package:


Mark the entry for install, then click Apply to do so.

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If you want to go ahead and install the gforth v7.0 system, do the following:

The next package to install is 'libtool' - enter this into the search window, mark the entry, and then Apply to install it.


The last package is the gforth system, so enter 'gforth' into the search box, select


Mark the entry for install, then click Apply to do so.
Thanks for the howto, but it is pretty much related to your gforth ports and thus should be shipped with these in the README or so.

Furthermore, Ubuntu users might want to install all the packages with only one call on the command line:
sudo apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2 libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl1.2debian-all libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libglut3-dev xorg-dev libtool gforth

But be aware that this does only install the Mesa OpenGL software rasterizer, if you want to use shaders or ATI/NVIDIA extensions to OpenGL you need the dev packages that come from these vendors.
Quote: Original post by Caste
But be aware that this does only install the Mesa OpenGL software rasterizer, if you want to use shaders or ATI/NVIDIA extensions to OpenGL you need the dev packages that come from these vendors.
Are you sure about that? I am using libgl1-mesa-dev with the proprietary ATI drivers without any issues...

Admittedly, I have to load OpenGL 2.x+ features via extension pointers, but I have to do that on Windows anyway, so no loss.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Hmm okay, as the OpenGL dev packages (no matter whether mesa or nvidia) only contain the header files, this probably does not matter.

However, in my installation I use the nvidia dev driver which ships a pretty complete glext.h. Don't know how this looks like for mesa.

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