
Short song, if you've got the time

Started by June 14, 2010 10:38 AM
1 comment, last by NewBreed 14 years, 7 months ago
Hi, this is my first post here at gamedev, so I thought I'd introduce myself by sharing some of my work.

The piece was written for an anime style opening for a friends game project. The synth tracks were made in psycle, and the drums were made in hydrogen. Final "mixing" was done with virtual dj (the track has NOT been mastered other than the native mixer in psycle and minor tweaks in VDJ). It's not the most professional sounding song in the world, but it's a starting place :)

Any and all feedback welcome
Alright, I did my best mixing and mastering with the gear i had (psycle mostly), and this is the end product

I'm not sure about the actual process that is supposed to happen, but I ran each track (minus drums...) in psycle through reverb, and then through a compressor. the bass is run through a lofi processor, into reverb, and then into a compressor. The high frequency voices are run through one equalizer, and the low frequency through another, and then finally into the master machine.

I think I should have run each instrument of the drum track through its own compressor, or something like that, but I didn't think it was necessary.
Not bad, I'm not keen on the drums in the intro, they don't fit into the rest of the piece. Also, around the 26 second mark you seem to alternate between a couple of notes, this doesn't sound very nice at all, but quite a nice melody.

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