I think people who make isometric tiles start out using a square tile,
make it seamless, and then rotate it to the angle they want. The
"seamlessness" of the tile should still stay intact after the rotation.
But I don't create isometric tiles myself, so I'm not completely sure.
If that doesn't work, then here's another idea. Start with a square tile
again, make it seamless, and then skew it horizontally once and then skew it
vertically once. This should make a nice diamond shape tile.
Open up MS Paint and look at Image->Stretch/Skew... for more info.
And making seamless square tiles is a snap with PSP.
Open your texture bitmap, should be larger than than tile you want,
use the selection tool to select the area you want, e.g. 32x32 pixels,
then do:
Image->Special Effects->Create Seamless Pattern
The image should crop down to a perfect seamless square tile that you
can save.