
Drink from the firehose

Started by April 27, 2010 04:56 AM
13 comments, last by kseh 14 years, 6 months ago
I don't think that a format/template would help. A lot of newbies don't even type out the freaking words. And I don't see those 'advanced answers' the topic is about. Sure, an explanation is more 'advanced' than simply giving the code, which a lot wants (if not the most).

You shouldn't expect to get a simple, but valid answer at the same time. Maybe you don't understand the post, but probably there are all the necessary and related terms, which the OP can (and should) look up. And with that, you can understand the topic.

Most of the explanations give a general understanding of the structure/interaction-of-stuff, but you have to look up what the 'stuff' are.

And keep in mind that not everyone here is speaking English as first language.
And English is not so easy (I would say not really appropriate) for scientific talk.
I do agree that the code shouldn't just be handed over to someone asking how to do something, and that they should use search engines to find examples. I would disagree about the "most want the code". From what I see, most are asking how to go about doing such and such or why something is not working, but not exactly wanting the do it for me way since whats the point of someone doing the work for you because then you won't learn and you would never be able to make a game yourself.

You are right that the proper terms are used and can be looked up, however, most of the time its the exact reason why some are confused. An example that may explain it in easier words may give the beginner that "oh, so thats what it meant!", but if you look up in books or sites, they usually have a close description that just gives you the deer-in-headlights look. If you were a teacher and a student didn't understand the text, do you answer his question with whats exactly in the book? No, you give them an example in a format which they understand.

Then again, what do I know? I'm just a "noob" :p, but I got to start somewhere.
"If you were a teacher and a student didn't understand the text, do you answer his question with whats exactly in the book? No, you give them an example in a format which they understand."

I saw this in most of the answers: examples, explanation, whatever. But if the OP doesn't know the elements (ie not read the text from the textbook, or not carefully enough), then what can the answerer do?

Just what are you expecting a good answer to be? If it's too brief, then it's not helpful. If it goes into details, then it's overwhelming. If it's just code, that's not real help.

I guess the beginners board simply isn't appropriate to get theoretical answers and explanations. It's good for asking about books/tutorials, helping in bug-hunting, and some basic API/platform related questions. The professionals aren't teachers, don't have time to figure out the background of the OP and to come up with perfect, easy-to-understand answers. There are books for that.
I don't mean to sound like I am expecting a certain anything from the people trying to help or asking them to be teachers. All the help we get from anyone who is willing to help is much appreciated. I am a beginner myself and sometimes it just seems like the ones trying to help are really trying to help but they sometimes seem to get a bit advanced than what the person asking may understand. Like I said originally, its really up to us beginners to make sure we state what our experience is and how knowledgeable we are so the advanced persons trying to help know what they're getting themselves into.
I suppose it doesn't really matter so long as a noob is comfortable replying with something like:

"Thanks for the explination but it's still over my head. Could you please explain it again in simpler terms or with a different example?"

And also, so long as most of the time they get the answer they're looking for.

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