

Started by August 08, 2001 12:11 PM
2 comments, last by goku0745 23 years, 1 month ago
I''m a college bound high school student, and I was wondering if any of you (preferably you who are attending or have graduated from college, no little kids please) could recommend some schools that are in the US and are not completely specialized (like digipen or full sail or Clogswell Polytechnical School) that have a strong computer science department. Don''t take this question as "Please tell me how to get into game design" because although that is my primary motivation, I would like to figure out that question on my own. All I am looking for is a school where I can not only get an education in computer programming, Artificial Intelligence, etc., but a school that also has other good programs so I can get a well rounded education. But I plan on Majoring in Computer science and want to go to a reputable school that has a fairly well known CS department, with good curriculum and good teachers, with classes that will apply to a future Game development career.
I''m so happy, cause today I found my friends, they''re in my head... -Nirvana, Lithium
If you can make it in, Caranagie Mellon (sp?) has the best CS department in the country (or so I''ve heard) and actually has a few game classes you can take. Also check out the IGDA list of schools offering game educations:

And maybe check out their forum on education for similar questions and opinions.

Hope this helps.

Thanks very much, that''s one I''ve been looking at. Any more suggestions anyone?
I''m so happy, cause today I found my friends, they''re in my head... -Nirvana, Lithium
A few more top notch schools in Computer Science include

Georgia Tech
Univ of Washington (well known in Computer Graphics research)

Of course, there are many other Computer Science schools that are pretty good. Such as...
Univeristy of Colorado at Boulder
Auburn University

Good Luck in your Decision!

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