Odd internal calling bug
I have found an odd bug in my engine using AngelScript... I will post more details when I get home as I lack my source code at the moment. Say, I execute function 'func_a' in script, which calls 'func_b' that is a C++ function exposed to script. I am using a context pool so I can execute script functions multiple times. Why, when I call func_b again from func_b does it fail? Should it not be seen as a script function either way? Thanks!
Hi. I need more information to be able to help you on this.
Are you trying to call a script function from within a C++ function that is currently being called from another script function? If this is the case you will need to setup a new script context for the new call, as the current script context is still in use.
Are you trying to call a script function from within a C++ function that is currently being called from another script function? If this is the case you will need to setup a new script context for the new call, as the current script context is still in use.
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