
starting game programming

Started by August 05, 2001 06:49 AM
1 comment, last by sign 23 years, 1 month ago
Hi Guys! I'' am just starting game programming and need to know , from where should i start it , i know C++ but i dont know which API to use Direct X or OpengL .. Plus how should i Load 3D models , except .x which is provided by Direct X .. Thanks sign
most people say that OpenGL is less complex in the end and you do get nicer results alot easier. but for 2D DX7/8 seems to be the way to start. I know of for OpenGL but I know you''ll need alot of resources for DX work....let a more knowlegable person here help you with that.
I made my own file format (I wrote a conversion program for ASE files that 3DS exports). It was actually very easy. If you know C/C++ already, it''s just like any other file, you don''t have to make it too complex.

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