contract work
Hey guys,
I remember there being a thread on contract work some time back. I may be getting some contract work soon and I need to create a contract for this. Basically it needs to cover IP rights, payments and future additions and technical support. I would retain the right to reuse generic backend code.
The thread I was refering to had a link to a generic legal document that could be adjusted to ones needs. Anyone have this link?
If you are going to be doing contract for somebody else then they usually supply the contract that convers all that. There are enough people looking for work that I doubt they will be signing a contract you give them.
I see your point, but I'm not really competing as I'm already part of the project. This is just a convenient addition for both sides. I don't think they've dealt with IT projects of this kind in the past hence I need to supply details.
I'm sure somebody who is more knowledgeable will be along but I think about the best you can do is offer up your terms and let them write them in to the contract. The right to retain code might be an issue. What you think is generic might not be to somebody else. Generally you sign away all your rights to the code. But if the code is so generic that other people would do something similar on their own then there probably isn't an issue.
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