
working with boost::shared_ptr

Started by March 13, 2010 08:02 AM
1 comment, last by andrew1b 14 years, 8 months ago
Hi I'm looking into using AngelScript but I'm curious how it should work with boost::shared_ptr ? Basically all the objects I want to pass to the script are shared pointers in my app. So in my app I have: typedef boost::shared_ptr<ILocation> ILocationPtr; and a function called: ILocationPtr getLocation(int x,int y) that I want the scripts to call. I register it like: r = mEngine->RegisterGlobalFunction("ILocation@ getLocation(int,int)", asFUNCTION(createLocation), asCALL_CDECL); But this doesn't work. When the script calls getLocation the value of y is garbled. And it crashes when it tries to return the ILocationPtr How should I be doing this? Thanks
ah nm. I'm too tired. I should just register it as a value type.
In this case a value type would be better and safer (if it's all about x and y positions).
But if you want to use shared_ptr, as I read on other threads about it, you must create a proxy object that holds a shared_ptr in it and wraps every object method checking if the pointer is valid before calling it.
Anyway, in my project, the best solution I found was to use reference counted objects.

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