Well, that about black holes from CERN I've aready seen it in a Discovery Channel movie.
The destruction of the Moon was showed in "The time machine"
Global climate disaster seems was seen in "the day after tomorrow" and geologic disaster in "2012"
I'm looking for something original but, once heard people would think possible (as possible as sci-fi can be)
I think I feel inclined to small balck hole impact, they can move reaaly fast and be small, still having more mass than the sun. an impact from "above" would alter the orbit into a "vertical" excentric one, it wold freeze and only pass trough travelable space once each many years, giving you a small time opportunity to go there and collect archeological value items, someone will pay.
How to destroy Earth?
Two ideas spring to mind.
1) A sattelite picks up a heat bloom deep beneath the Amazon basin. A team of disparate but skilled individuals is sent to investigate. After drilling down several miles they find a vast cavern containing an ancient temple. They explore in a tense/badly lit atmosphere. Some of them have improbable and unfortunate accidents. The survivors eventually get to a room in the very heart of the temple. There is a large stone table in the middle. On the table is a round, red button. There are signs around the button saying "DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON" in every language ever written on Earth. One of them presses the button. The Sun goes out and the Earth spirals off into space eight minutes later.
2) The Earth still exists, but has become a cultural monument. The entire population has been removed to preserve it. All factions agree that it is far too important to be fought over or owned by any one of them. There may or may not be a tourist bureau.
1) A sattelite picks up a heat bloom deep beneath the Amazon basin. A team of disparate but skilled individuals is sent to investigate. After drilling down several miles they find a vast cavern containing an ancient temple. They explore in a tense/badly lit atmosphere. Some of them have improbable and unfortunate accidents. The survivors eventually get to a room in the very heart of the temple. There is a large stone table in the middle. On the table is a round, red button. There are signs around the button saying "DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON" in every language ever written on Earth. One of them presses the button. The Sun goes out and the Earth spirals off into space eight minutes later.
2) The Earth still exists, but has become a cultural monument. The entire population has been removed to preserve it. All factions agree that it is far too important to be fought over or owned by any one of them. There may or may not be a tourist bureau.
inherently interactive - my game design blog
It was 1200 years since the creation and launch of CIN (Collective Information Network) by Google Inc. Having run out of things to search, Google had designed a human-integrating chip, which when installed on a a persons cerebral cortex, allowed the user to both search the internet as well as indexing the persons memories and data banks for fast retrieval on the network. Billed to the impovished as a free alternative to college, it was a huge hit. But after the eventual takeover of Google by Steve Jobs in 1021, And with it full integration with the iPhone6, it became a sensation, even amongst the rich and famous. 500 years later it would become global mandate for these to be installed in all children at time of birth (as it is claimed to be safer to install on a child). The human android race was born, and CIN became the global knowledge bank for a new computerized government.
This of course angered those of the federation, who no longer could view the human species as something to be protected. Linked consiousnesses had been banned for as long as they could remember, and its drawbacks well documented. Since the invention, science was evolving at an unheard of rate, and it wouldent be long before the earth technology could rival that of the federation. They had to be stopped now.
Unsure of how to approach the situation, they disguised several interstellar warships as giant iphone's and approched earths orbit. It is to this day still unknown who's bright idea it was to attempt to download Moris ALbert's "Feelings" onto said warship/iphone, but the devistation that insued is forever ingrained into the minds, iphones, and memory chips of what is left of earths now completely android population.
This of course angered those of the federation, who no longer could view the human species as something to be protected. Linked consiousnesses had been banned for as long as they could remember, and its drawbacks well documented. Since the invention, science was evolving at an unheard of rate, and it wouldent be long before the earth technology could rival that of the federation. They had to be stopped now.
Unsure of how to approach the situation, they disguised several interstellar warships as giant iphone's and approched earths orbit. It is to this day still unknown who's bright idea it was to attempt to download Moris ALbert's "Feelings" onto said warship/iphone, but the devistation that insued is forever ingrained into the minds, iphones, and memory chips of what is left of earths now completely android population.
it is becoming very popular to think Google is more evil than Umbrella, Microsoft, Jorge Bush and the pope together
I don't play MMOs because I would become addicted
Asimov's method: The Earth steadily increased in radiation over 100 years, due to a device set off by a radical colonist. Earth became progressively more unhabitable, but everyone didn't instantly die, so it forced them off the planet, which gave the colonies a huge boost in population (the colonies were geo-formed planets in this case, not space stations... it'd be hard to get the 20 billion of Asimov's earth into space stations).
Alternatively, you could have the Tetonic plates of the planet all shift at nearly one time, having built up power over centuries, causing catastrophic earthquakes (Megathrust earthquakes) and tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, and wildfires, which would cause massive famines, wars, and plagues like you couldn't possibly imagine, killing off 80-90% of the Earth's population over a peroid of 7 or 8 years...
Alternatively, you could have the Tetonic plates of the planet all shift at nearly one time, having built up power over centuries, causing catastrophic earthquakes (Megathrust earthquakes) and tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, and wildfires, which would cause massive famines, wars, and plagues like you couldn't possibly imagine, killing off 80-90% of the Earth's population over a peroid of 7 or 8 years...
I didn't say the colonies must be space stations, i thought Mars, Venus, Europe, as colony locations.
Venus is too hot, but with some cleverly desgned cooling system they could turn the heat into usable eletricity (it would keep being energy)
Well I don't need to totally wipe Out Earth, but at least descentralize the mankind activity place.
Venus is too hot, but with some cleverly desgned cooling system they could turn the heat into usable eletricity (it would keep being energy)
Well I don't need to totally wipe Out Earth, but at least descentralize the mankind activity place.
I don't play MMOs because I would become addicted
If you have a space faring civilization that regularly colonises other worlds and builds many space stations, there is no need to destroy earth, as many people will leave seeking employment and excitment elsewhere in space. Earth might also be a hideously expensive place to live now too.
Whatever you do, DO NOT make is a virus, asteroid, metor etc, world wars. They are very cliche.
An idea, would be that the moon fell into the earth for some reason or other? :S
I like the idea of mystery, that nobody knows exactly what happened. How bout it DOES just vanish? No explanation? Did it move somewhere? Do people believe it's gone forever? Do some believe it is out there somewhere? Do some people seek to go find it?
An idea, would be that the moon fell into the earth for some reason or other? :S
I like the idea of mystery, that nobody knows exactly what happened. How bout it DOES just vanish? No explanation? Did it move somewhere? Do people believe it's gone forever? Do some believe it is out there somewhere? Do some people seek to go find it?
redcloud@adam.com.auSODALIS looking for talented and dedicated tileset and sprite artists. www.sodalisrpg.com
about the "banishing theory", wich is not my favorite and put it to be creative, it may be like it is there, and then it is not. wormhole? reality distortion? nobody knows. an if it's out there people can't see it, and since i said the setting is late 21st century they can't search for it, since they can't go further than Uranus or Neptune safely.
i know meteor is cliche, i wrote in the first post of this thread
i know meteor is cliche, i wrote in the first post of this thread
I don't play MMOs because I would become addicted
I would go with the real reason the Earth will no longer be around... in 2012, the magnetic poles will reverse, completely flipping, which will cause the entire planet to flip back to its comfort zone. It will do so, so violently, that anyone not nailed down will be flung into space. Anyone left will be surely crushed by the force of their own inertia when the Earth suddenly stops after its half rotation.
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