
Hardware Reviews

Started by February 12, 2010 06:52 AM
0 comments, last by Gaiiden 15 years ago
There's a number of good sites for hardware reviews. Tom's Hardware, 3D Guru and iXBT Labs and similar sites. That's just a few of them, there's many more. The reviews aren't like anything you find on CNET. Usually like 10 pages or more. Scattered through them, and the focus of some articles, are tidbits you can't easily find else where. It seems it would be good to have a sticky on this board for links to sites giving reviews of hardware since that seems the number one misuse of this board. Scattered through those sites are articles relevant to the presumed purpose of this board, such as GPU architectures. I presume the purpose of the board is technical details relevant to game development and specialized hardware for content creation. So it seems such a thread could serve as an anchor for links to specific articles. It would be willing to put the time and effort into creating such a thread. The question is whether there is a point. Not so much whether it will get used, I would use it, but, rather whether I could get it sticked if I created it. I would hate to put in the time and effort only to have it scroll off into oblivion.
Keys to success: Ability, ambition and opportunity.
Sure I'll sticky it

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

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