
Starving student needs software.....

Started by August 01, 2001 06:30 AM
19 comments, last by Captan_Carnage 23 years, 5 months ago
I suggets Photoshop, and PSP (paint shop pro) I have both and I can''t stop using Photoshop. I just installed PSP 2 days ago, and I made a banner ad with it too (you can see it below). I use PhotoShop for my website, and for textures. You can make some AWESOME rock textures with it, and much more. Even the guys why made Unreal suggest Photoshop. So thats what I think. But I''m sure there''s a lot more... oh you said free didn''t you. . . sorry

Check out my for sale domain name!

I have something funny for you guys with PSP. I installed the 30-Day trial, but then I installed it twice more before the 30-days was up. Now it finally deleted itself after 90 days. If you have about an hour or something, you can install it a million times and have 30 million days before it expires.

But I don''t really like PSP, it has weird stuff about it. Photoshop I at least think has a way better interface then PSP.
I tried PSP7 too, it was pretty cool. The demo has all the functions which is cool. The only thing I had a problem I had with it is that I couldn''t figure out how to manipulate single pixels. I''m sure there''s a way but I couldn''t figure that part out. I end up doing my pixel sprites in MS Paint and manipulating them in PSP works great. Especially if I want to rotate something slightly and put em back in MS Paint. Testures are cool too in PSP good for backgrounds and buildings. The demo is free and you can reinstall it if it runs out....I think. Pixel manipulation was the only problem I had. Never tried Photoshop so I cant say. Is there a fully functional demo for it too?
Yo get the demo 4 PSP then use gNutella 2 get the crack 4 it. - i just searched 4 paint shop pro and about 6 cracks came up 4 psp7 in a few seconds. this is the gnutella client i reccomend.

Edited by - maniak on August 8, 2001 2:43:37 PM
Please dont advocate piracy on these boards.

Paint Shop Pro is resonably priced. Consider its $99 cost compared to Photoshop''s $600 cost. And in terms of features, its right up there with Photoshop..

Personally I prefer Paint Shop Pro at any cost over Photoshop because it conforms better to Windows standard UI. If I wanted a Mac UI, I''d use a Mac... Photoshop for PC shows its Macs roots too much in terms of the look & feel of the UI and a general sluggishness to the UI (likely because of some platform abstraction API they are using?).
How the F-U-C-K can you post something about cracking software on a developpers forum?! Cracking = Stealing. I don''t know who made PSP, and I don''t care, even if it was Microsoft, they worked hard on this app and deserve the support for what they''ve done. If you can''t afford a Ferrari, would you steal one? or stick to a car that fits in your budgets? That''s the same thing with softwares, not because they''re easy to steal that you _MUST_ steal them
Enough about the cracking. Let''s stick to the subject shall we?

sorry im not sure how to do the pic in the forum thing still ( i guess i am just slow...) but heres a direct link to an example. just a dingle frame of an all out animation. once i get everything together, ill have a nice page dedicated completely to character art at
stOven that''s a good drawing, what program you make it in?
quote: Original post by MaNiAk
Yo get the demo 4 PSP then use gNutella 2 get the crack 4 it. - i just searched 4 paint shop pro and about 6 cracks came up 4 psp7 in a few seconds. &ltA HREF="">this is the gnutella client i reccomend.</a>

Bearshare is spyware, don''t use it (it has somewhat hidden commercial applications that install with it). PSP is cheap for an art program, I wouldn''t advocate stealing it. The GIMP is as good as Photoshop (in Linux at least, it''s a little buggy in Windows), so why not use it?

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