
*** and ***,which is better?

Started by January 30, 2010 11:17 AM
8 comments, last by Indigo Darkwolf 15 years ago
I'am from China. I want to register a domain name for my games.There will be two or three games in this site. I am confused about *** and ***games, For example,, and ,which is better in English country? and why? thank you!
Original post by Green Martian
I'am from China. I want to register a domain name for my games.There will be two or three games in this site.
I am confused about *** and ***games,which kind is better in contry speaking English ? and why? thank you!

Hello Green,
"games" is better, because it means you have more than one game to offer visitors.

If you have only ONE game, then use "game" instead.

-- Tom Sloper --

Domain names are very cheap relative to the rest of a business, a few dollars a year.

It isn't uncommon to get several variants ("moongame" and "moongames") as well as the .org and .net variants. Point them all to the real site.
Aren't china firewall blocking you from the internet? How can you register domains?
Original post by Dunge
Aren't china firewall blocking you from the internet? How can you register domains?

The Great Firewall doesn't block the entire ex-China Internet. Only selected parts of it.

-- Tom Sloper --

I agree with Tom, go with games if you are selling multiple games.

It would just sound better...
Original post by Dunge
Aren't china firewall blocking you from the internet? How can you register domains?

It only block some about political and news sites ,like bbc. And some sites that users can create and spread content quickly and freely such as facebook, twitter, youtube. And some pages with sensitive topics ,like some pages in wikipedia. And some other sites, no reason.

There is no soil for seeds of such as twitters here.
Original post by Green Martian
There is no soil for seeds of such as twitters here.

I have no idea what that means, but it sounds awesome [wink]
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Original post by zer0wolf
Original post by Green Martian
There is no soil for seeds of such as twitters here.

I have no idea what that means, but it sounds awesome [wink]

I'm guessing he's saying that China does not have the right kind of "soil" to let sites like Twitter thrive.
Electronic Meteor - My experiences with XNA and game development
Original post by JustChris
I'm guessing he's saying that China does not have the right kind of "soil" to let sites like Twitter thrive.

I detect a parse error in your output; I suggest upgrading. Until then, I think this is an equivalent statement on older versions: "There is no soil for the kind of seeds that twitter here."

Note that my parser may be out-of-date, too. This is a fairly archaic use of the language which only sometimes sees support from the devteam, due to its rarity.

Globals are not evil. Singletons are evil.

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