Quick hint on setters and getters defined from C
Hi, Can you give me a quick hint on how to setup setters and getters in a class defined from C? I've been roaming the tutorials but all I found are examples defined from angelscript. I know it can't be very hard, but a quick hint would come handy. Thanks in advance.
You need to register the class methods using the prefixes 'get_' and 'set_', e.g.
The text in the manual can definitely be improved to explain this better.
r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("myObj", "int get_myProp() const", asMETHOD(myObj, get_myProp), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 );r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("myObj", "void set_myProp(int)", asMETHOD(myObj, set_myProp), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 );
The text in the manual can definitely be improved to explain this better.
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I'm getting a problem here. I'm updating to 2.17.2 from 2.16.x (I know it's old already, but I chose updating step by step), and the objects I factor for the getters are never released. This is how I'm declaring it:
The property:
The method:
The callback
I'm just wondering if there was some known issue at 2.17 regarding this, or if there was something changed on the reference counting from 2.16 to 2.17 I am missing.
The property:
{ SCRIPT_PROPERTY_DECL(cString @, name), FOFFSET(game_locals_t, name) },
The method:
{ SCRIPT_FUNCTION_DECL(cString &, get_name, ()), objectGame_GetName, objectGame_asGeneric_GetName, asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST },
The callback
static asstring_t *objectGame_GetName( game_locals_t *self ){ return objectString_FactoryBuffer( self->name, strlen( self->name ) );}static asstring_t *objectString_FactoryBuffer( const char *buffer, unsigned int length ){ asstring_t *object; object = objectString_Alloc(); object->buffer = G_AsMalloc( sizeof( char ) * ( length + 1 ) ); object->len = length; object->buffer[length] = 0; object->size = length + 1; if( buffer ) Q_strncpyz( object->buffer, buffer, object->size ); return object;}static inline asstring_t *objectString_Alloc( void ){ static asstring_t *object; object = G_AsMalloc( sizeof( asstring_t ) ); object->asRefCount = 1; object->asFactored = 1; asstring_factored_count++; return object;}
I'm just wondering if there was some known issue at 2.17 regarding this, or if there was something changed on the reference counting from 2.16 to 2.17 I am missing.
To AngelScript there is a difference in returning a handle and a reference. AngelScript will release the handle when it is done with it, but for the reference nothing will be done.
It looks like you're declaring the get accessor to return a reference, but in reality you want it to return a handle.
There is nothing on the Change list regarding the class property getters and setters since 2.17.2. I did however add support for getters and setters for global properties in 2.18.1, as well as adding a lot of optimizations that you may find interesting.
It looks like you're declaring the get accessor to return a reference, but in reality you want it to return a handle.
There is nothing on the Change list regarding the class property getters and setters since 2.17.2. I did however add support for getters and setters for global properties in 2.18.1, as well as adding a lot of optimizations that you may find interesting.
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AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
I tried first to declare the property and the accesor returning the same thing, but I don't get it to build. It either drops with asINVALID_DECLARATION on the property ( "cString & name" ) or with "No matching operator that takes the types 'cString &' and 'cString @' found" when I use handles on the accesors. Maybe my real problem is at incorrectly using references at the conversion of the behaviors to methods. I'm going to recheck that.
EDIT: I do intend to continue updating to 2.18. It just happens that our implementation is pretty big, so updating less changes at once makes it easier. At least I prefer it that way.
EDIT: I do intend to continue updating to 2.18. It just happens that our implementation is pretty big, so updating less changes at once makes it easier. At least I prefer it that way.
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