
Brainstorm: Culture

Started by January 05, 2010 11:52 PM
3 comments, last by Wai 15 years, 1 month ago
This thread has a special format This is a brainstorm thread. I am interested in the first three things that come to you mind when you think about culture. If you want to understand a culture but you can only know three aspects of it, what would they be? Since I don't want the responses of the others to affect your thoughts, I want you to post your answer using color similar to the background.
<font color="#EEEEEE">Your Answer</font>

The follow is my list, but don't read it until you have written yours. o Its most respected object o Its most respected role o Its most respected value .
For me, it's music, art and mythology though not really in that order.

(Of course, this only works if you use the default theme [smile])
The first thing I think of is aggression, such as do these people make war to solve problems?
Second, and somewhat related to the first I think of is how bureaucratic or legality minded they are. The opposite is being anarchistic. I relate that to the first because I see bureaucracy and subversive behaviors to be a passive aggressive out from all out war.
Last thought is where is attention turned? Inward or outward?

PS. seems I wrote in more detail than you guys, hope you weren't hoping for one liners.
Heh, I was confused about the fact that the words were not hidden at all, then realized I used the old white on black theme and the color was for the background of the newer theme. No problem though, I've thought about culture a lot so I already have my own set of answers.

- First thing that sprang to mind is parties. Parties include holidays, so they is tied to religion; parties are a major place people meet each other and flirt, so they are tied to mate selection.

- Second thing is prejudice - I think the defining trait of a culture it the stereotypes it has about what is the ideal person, the ideal way to live and act, and what isn't acceptable for members of that culture.

- Third thing, hmm, I'm not sure if there's a single word for it, but the way technology and 'the way things are done' intersect to create the economy everyone lives within. This isn't economy in the narrow sense of money, but in the broad sense where it includes the idea of what jobs there are to have, which jobs are appropriate for which people, what training is necessary, and what is high-prestige. In a culture which had magic, magic would play a major role in this because it is a completely different 'technology' from anything we have ever had in the real world; I get mad when games and books fail to develop magic as a technology which should have impacted the evolution of cultures where it exists.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

What Psychologist Geert Hofstede (b.1928) might put, according to wikipedia:
o Power distance - how people perceive power differences
o Individualism vs Collectivism
o Quantity vs Quality
There are two more points summarized on wikipedia. Also listed on his website

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