VC++9 x64 Release
I did a quick look at new x64 functionality, and everything goes fine when compiled in Debug mode, but in Release there are some inconsistent settings: the native call .asm file is built with "x64\Debug\as_callfunc_x64_msvc.obj" and the output for lib is x64/Release instead of ../../lib (but that's less important). I've changed output path for .asm file to "$(OutDir)\as_callfunc_x64_msvc_asm.obj" and finally linker stopped complaining about missing symbols, but then the test_feature crashed at first attempt to log some compile errors (was that some template array test?). I've tried to recompile several times (with optimizations disabled) but still can't make it work in Release. Some other thoughts: how about changing lib output names to angelscript64.lib and angelscript64d.lib for x64 mode, so they could coexist with 32bit builds in one folder (or alternatively create lib32 and lib64 folders?).
I'll take a look at the problems in Release mode.
Sure, I can rename the libs as well. Thanks for the suggestion.
Sure, I can rename the libs as well. Thanks for the suggestion. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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Everything should be working fine now.
I had to make some changes to the assembler code to make it work with the optimizations that the C++ compiler did in release mode.
I had to make some changes to the assembler code to make it work with the optimizations that the C++ compiler did in release mode. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
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