
My SuperCrazyAwesomeIdea 4: Random ideas that are in the theme of the previous

Started by December 30, 2009 08:12 AM
-1 comments, last by Dasha 15 years, 1 month ago
This was originally one big thread. But as I went back again and again to explain my ideas. I realized it was just to big to be one, so I split them in sections. They are meant to be read in order. So without further ado, my ideas. Well....not totally mine I would say, the places where I gained inspiration are obvious. Anyways :P (note, this ideas are all written to be in a MMORPG. But I am sure you can place them anywhere) ----- First person perspective. Why not? Seriously. I think it would be better for immersion. It feels more like a game when you can see tops of buildings and players hiding around a corner. When you can't see all the monsters on each side of you. You could actually SEE what other people look like and what they are wearing(a plus with the creative clothing design idea). You might actually have to walk up to something to click on it and choose what action you'd like to do with it, that just clicking from where you might not even be able to see it(like on the other side of the wall). Kind of like mixing FPS's with RPG's. Without of course, being a FPS. ----- “Custom” emotes. How about entering a emote window. Choose from a bunch of pre-made emotes(either developer made or ones that talented players made and submitted. Maybe have a system available that could allow them to create actions in game) and assign them a word. They can be activated when you say the word in conversation, type /CustomWordHere, or both. ----- Why all these SuperCrazyRad ideas? Well why not? Its time for a change and with it, more interactive games. Games where players feel like they are actually doing something with their time. More than figuring out a strategy of which clicks in order are best. Of which extensive guides can be found online. ----- If you use any of these ideas and manage to execute them to a playable form in your game. Please let me know, I'd love to play. I totally would not be upset in the slightest for you “stealing my ideas”

My current game: MMORPGRTSFPSRLG. Read: Some sort of mmorpg with a special something that will make everyone want to play but I wont tell you what it is.

Status: Pre-Production, Game Design

Team Openings: None

For serious though, my goal is to create a MMO. What kind? Not sure yet. MMO games are my passion and it's a goal of mine to change the industry for the better. Do I know it's an unrealistic goal? Yes. Do I care? Heck no.

If you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of, feel free to contact me.

--------------------------Hail New^Internet

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