
Need more money

Started by December 22, 2009 02:12 PM
2 comments, last by Douk 14 years, 11 months ago
I own an MMORPG and would like more revenue. What solutions would you suggest? what have you tried?
I think whats more important is what you have tried. Some details about your MMO might be nice too.
Money discussions belong in the Business forum.
Dave, you're going to have to tell us more about your situation than you have, if you want good answers.

-- Tom Sloper --

The title makes it look like a 'spot 5 bucks please' thread haha.

Try find a sponser but before that get enough of the game to show to make someone WANT to sponser in the first place.
I find it unfair that only one company is allowed to manufacture the board game Monopoly.

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