Original post by KulSeran
Now, the player will be able to place anything he wants far more strategically than any AI would. But the AI would seem to be acting intelligently. It would attempt to counter your military to protect traders, traders would move around to capture high value areas, etc. Much like the fish/sharks/algae atomata, you'd see everything swimming about the map, acting in its own best interest.
Not sure if this would be frustrating but one big key to this I think would be NOT being able to see the big picture. If your resources limit the window of what you can see in terms of emerging behavior, you won't be able to control and outsmart the AI. It would be like having a limited window or fog of war in strategy game-- surprises come from what you can only guess at.
So, anything you do ontop of the simple AI system is just flavor, the AI picked units and positions that were good. Now you get to pick how the dice roll in combat, ie.
he picks randomly and hidden from you 'turtle'.
You pick 'stealth'.
He gets a low attack(can't maneuver, reducing his options), high defense and scout. 3/7/7
You get a bonus to getting past scouts, very high attack (surprise), low defense. 7/2/4
So, he sees you, does moderate damage, but you still catch him somewhat off guard, doing moderate damage.
A diplomacy option would end up with both sides not losing anything, but all the enemy units being removed from the tile, and yours placed there instead. etc.
Right if you could put a lot of depth to this part I could see this possibly working well. Taking a page from RPGs, put some of the tactics in creating states in the enemy-- making them suppressed or demoralized or fatigued, then hitting them with the right manuever once they're in this state. Then allow the enemy to do the same to you and alter your stats based on these states, so that maybe you're demoralized or fatigued and now have to worry about how to recover or what might happen when you're in this state.
Older strategy games used to do this, but I think the novel twist would be in applying this to factions. If drop the player in a petri dish of mixed groups (corporate operatives, zealots, hackers, patriots, etc.) and give them goals while the groups are trying to achieve goals I think it could be quite interesting-- even if it would be at times unweildy!