
[UFEC] Forest Defense

Started by December 05, 2009 12:00 PM
12 comments, last by rip-off 14 years, 5 months ago
Download Beta Development screenshots ======================= Beta release (25/03/2010) Gamma map Alpha release(30/03/2010) Alpha Release Map editor : Some trees and objects placement Path editor : Turrets in-engine early shots(31/01/2010): Photobucket Photobucket Early gameplay (31/01/2010): Photobucket Forest Defense ============== Genre : 3D Strategy ala TowerDefense Gameplay ======= You are attacked by a horde of [Fire] Elementals which are spawned in waves from a specific spawn point. You build your [water] defense and try to stop them from reaching their destination point. Through the level there are [flamable] objects such as oil tanks.If a [fire] elemental reach such an object it grows [evolution].If it reaches health over 5, it creates a portal, which is a second spawn point [Proliferation]. Money will be gained of course by killing enemies.Every elemental is worth the same amount of credits as its orginal health was (that is,external modifications as weather are not applied). Weather abilities : Snow - Takes one health point permanently from each newly spawned elemental Rain - Takes one health point from each spawned elemental every 20 seconds Enemies ======= Fire Elemental Health : 3 Speed : Normal Fire Prince Health : 5 Speed : Slow Special : It spawns a fire elemental every 10 seconds Fire Droplet Health : 2 Speed : Fast Special : It gains one health point every 5 seconds permamently.Cannot gain more than 3 health points this way. Fire Princess Health : 3 Speed : Normal Special : It spawns a fire droplet every 10 seconds.Gains +1 to health for each fire prince in play. Cannot gain more than 2 health points this way. Fire Necromancer Health : 4 Speed : Slow Special : It draws all fire to itself.After it dies it is respawn as a fire elemental at the position it died. Turrets ============= Water Sprinkler Cost : 3 Damage : 1 Reload speed : Normal Bullet speed : Fast Range : Normal God's Gift Cost : 4 Damage : 0 Reload speed : Normal Bullet speed : Instant Range : Larger than Normal Special : Slows down the enemy unit and disables its special ability as long as it targets it Water Pulse Cost : 4 Damage : 2 (Area) Damage radius : Enough to catch 3 enemies at once Reload speed : Slow Bullet speed : Normal Range : Very large Fountain cannon Cost : 7 Damage : 1 (Area around self) Reload speed : Slow Bullet speed : Instant Range : Very short Special : If the enemy is targeted by God's Gift,it scores an additional damage point. Water Gun Cost : 8 Damage : 1 Reload speed : Normal Bullet speed : Fast Range : Normal Special : Fires 3 bullets at the same time to the three closest enemies. 26/04/2010 I've removed the development information from this post to keep it clean for the future. I've only left the game concept and the screenshots. [Edited by - ne0_kamen on April 26, 2010 1:59:41 PM]
My goodness man, thats quite a bit that you've [Done] :p
How about a screenshot, the gamplay sounds intersting. I like the way you update your entry info.
Some of the functionality I've done,can be seen in the 2 screenshots in the "Unofficial screenshots" topic.
I've been working on the gui module for the last day and made some progress in other areas.I've updated the log in this topic to reflect that.

I wanted to post a shot of the level editor,but unfortunately I forgot to copy the project to the memory stick card from my main development machine.
Expect another update this week showing the user interface and hopefully the editor I mentioned.
Since I won't do any more programing this year,I've updated my log with every piece of information you might like to know about the current state of the development.

To finish the year,I will put a warm screenshot this time,the fire effect :


I actually did some programming and there are the results :

Still,both the appearance and the performance shall be improved.

[Edited by - ne0_kamen on January 7, 2010 7:00:58 AM]
I'm not sure, if you have some problems with the alpha blending in the particles. If 3D lib is OpenGL you may want to glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) or use another blend function. Is there some z-sorting within your particle engine? Also texture coordinates seem to be wrong, because the borders of the texture are visible. What's your function to create xyz coordinates of next state? I usually use a sin with exp function (low amplitude with life = 1, bigger amplitudes with life close to 0).
The border you see is because of the temporary textures I use for the particles.
They have a slight defect - a gray border.
I don't think there should be a problem with the alpha blending.
I use additive blending to avoid sorting the particles,and I do disable the depth testing (which should be irrelevant in the case of such a blending type)
For the amplitude changes I use a simple lerp.

Recently I've been working on the fire elementals for the game,and have created several levels.
There will be a screenshot or two sometime this week.
Tada,its raining shots!
I've updated considerably the schedule and requirements sections plus providing some evidence in digital form.
Some info about the turrets :
They are still to be improved,but for now these will do.The one in the left corner of the first shot is looking like that,because of the lack if texturing.
God's gift turret should be modeled in February.

About the gameplay shot :
The fire effect is poorly mapped to a sphere.The red quads above each fire elemental are representing its health.These should be aligned to the camera view when I'm done.
The small rectangular plates that cover the map are actually platforms where, and where only turrets can be placed.
The turret that's in the game is just a test model,and you probably won't see it in the release.

Uhh,so Gimly,son of Gloin,11 screenshots is my count.How about you?
Ok,there goes the alpha release.

For a screenshot+update of what have been done look at the thread's first post.

First what you can expect from the alpha release :

-All 5 different types of turrets are done,including modeling,animation and different shooting effects.
-All 5 different types of enemies are done,including their special abilities such as the Droplet's health gain ability and the Necromancer's attract ability.
-One level with platform positions and waypoints placement.
-You can create/sell your turrets and collect money from killing the elementals as per the game rules.

What I did not include in the alpha (or rather didn't have time to)
-Skills as per the game rules.
-Fire elementals collecting objects to create portals.
-Configuration of the game (stuck with 1024x768 winbdowed mode)

I intend to release the Beta just before the end of the judging period,which should include the above features + fixed bugs that you reported from the alpha.

Some additional info :
Pressing F1 displays the help window.
Pressing P paused/unpauses the game.
Pressing Esc exit the game (without asking)
Pressing D displays debug information

Proliferation is represented at the moment by the spawning of Droplets by the Princesses for example.
Evolution is the Droplet's abilities to gain health over time.

The game does NOT require shaders-hardware.However it currently does not run on my GF4,because of batch sizes exceeding the 16-bit limitation.I will fix that in the Beta.

Note that the game was CPU bound on my AMD 1.5Ghz,and the performance was really poor when a lot of particles are shown.You will most definitely want to play it with a more powerful processor.

[Edited by - ne0_kamen on March 31, 2010 12:24:12 PM]
Nice, I got to wave 54. =) Was a bit hard I thought to know exactly how the turrets hit, like do they always hit when they shoot, or only when the particles actually hit the enemy etc?
Also some of the text was a bit hard to read. Maybe because you draw as 1024x768 but the window client area is smaller when the actual window including borders is 1024x768.. if so, look into AdjustWindowRect.
A simple and fun tower defense clone.

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