Original post by rian carnarvon
I have sympathy for those seeking higher education and feeling angered by the recent tuition hikes. But the fact of the matter is that the entire higher education system needs a big overhaul. People go into 6-figure debt and come out totally unable to find a job in most cases.
That much debt is unnecessary for most schools.
Community colleges and state schools offer great accredited degrees for far less money.
Financial aid is easy to find, and if you work hard you can get full tuition scholarships. If you are poor you can qualify for grants (free money) so the earlier complaints about discrimination against the poor are almost unfounded.
Most of the things you can study at university are totally useless from a job-hunting perspective: Sociology and Women's Studies don't put bread on the table. Even the hard science majors are having trouble finding work as it is increasingly shipped overseas.
Not at all. Sociology is a big field, so let's try some examples.
You said Women's Studies and related topics. With those you can work in social services. You can get qualified as a counselor for many things. Maybe you want to help rape victims, or family counseling, or work at United Way or YWCA or other major service organizations.
Other sociology topics can get you work in marketing, or as an investigator for criminal deviance, or a job in socioeconomics for government or business, or commercial market research, or medical statistics and clinical evaluations, or political sociology working for government or for parties or individual campaigns, and so on.
Let's assume you are a CS major who is required to take a sociology class or two. While it may not apply DIRECTLY to your job, it enables you to work with and understand many different fields. Even if you resist learning and get nothing else from it, the class will force you outside your comfort zone which is a good thing.
Other topics often considered "worthless" are language-arts and performing arts. The world needs writers for just about everything from movie scripts to copy-desk editing to advertising. Performance arts provide entertainment and enlightenment for the world from your neighborhood piano lessons to concert performances; from child dance classes to exercise classes to professional dance companies. Perhaps another topic like Botany may seem useless to you but are valuable to farmers, landscapers, and your local gardening shop.
but to expect that 40% or more of the population can spend years going into hock to study non-practical fields is not a tenable proposition.
Just because YOU are not interested in those fields and YOU would not use those skills to get a job does not mean those fields are not practical.