Original post by Alpha_ProgDes
- Character classes have general goals
This is a good start. Maybe it could be extended to a character building system where you assemble traits for a class or something like it. I'm thinking this just so you don't have the boredom of automatically knowing that if you're the Warrior class there'll always be a Black Knight in the game world.
Or would you be more of the mind to keep it simple, maybe as a means of giving the player the ability to select their game experience? This has merit because there'd be nothing worse than selecting a class that's not suited for the world (e.g., warrior with nobody to vanquish)
Enemies/bosses are determined based on path
I like this because it's amenable to a sort of "it is your destiny" (cue epic Star Wars music [grin]) motif.
If you go with the idea that these guys would be obstacles to your character development I think you could balance open-ended world freedom with strong personal goals. Maybe the advancement is along a particular dimension, as well-- that is, maybe you have a goal to get rid of the Black Knight but that doesn't preclude you wandering about crafting or doing side quests.
Characters CAN be the goal
Definitely agree with this. As I've mentioned before, I'd like to embed the characters firmly into whatever strategic or simulation mechanics I can create for the world. Faction leaders are a great example: I'd like to see them expressed as characters which enable the faction to do specific things better than if the leader wasn't there. An Al Capone, for instance, might radically grow a mob faction and give it special abilities. If the player then has methods of affecting that character (such as killing them, influencing who they ally with, or even converting them to a different character type) then you can make the characters goals in and of themselves.
Follow me?
Definitely think so, this seems like a promising approach.