Programming Music
What do you listen to when your programming?
I find myself listening to stuff from, The Nerdy Show and LoadingReadyRun podcasts. Also I seem to like remixes.
Does music help you program, or does it hinder you.
I know if I have to think about the words, then I can't concentrate.
Often find it hard to work while listening to music, so I listen to more instrumental stuff like Explosions in the Sky.
I've created a ~9 hour play list on which I listen to at work on shuffle. I don't find that it affects my ability to work and it helps to drown out distractions from within the office.
Original post by BosskIn Soviet Russia, you STFU WITH THOSE LAME JOKES!
The usual, so probably something along the lines of Opeth, Blind Guardian, Keep of Kalessin, or whatever else I happen to dig up from the archives. Sometimes it keeps me from throwing in the more dreary aspects of the profession, but otherwise I don't think it affects my performance.
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