
2D Sidescrolling Concept

Started by October 12, 2009 06:01 PM
7 comments, last by Fuji 15 years, 4 months ago
I'd like comments on the art below. If it were a side-scolling game, would you be interested in playing? What emotions do you get from it? If you have anything else you'd like to say about it, feel free. Also, the black is the background and would not be blocked but everything else would. [Edited by - Fuji on October 12, 2009 6:19:17 PM]
C++: Where your friends have access to your private members
That concept art is pretty rough looking so hard to say but that "hand painted" feel could possibly work out.

Braid had an interesting art style and it worked out pretty well.

is there going to be more art to your levels or is it just going to be what you have shown? I'm hoping there will be more hehe (:


BTW, the maker of Braid said he had the game working 100% with programmer art and then after the fact had someone pretty it up and it turned out great, so maybe thatd be an option for you.

Something else though, if you have multiple layers of art that looks like that, and do paralax scrolling (ie faking stuff in the distance etc) and really put some effort into that art style you are showing, it could work out and be neat lookin
Your third image looks quite compelling, though I can't really put a finger on why. The first two just come across as muddy.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

This was just some concept stuff. I wanted a dark style with a juxtaposition of monochrome range. I can't program but yeah, I would make lots and lots more. It's definitely not the usual colorful stuff I work on but it still represents me. So, I guess I'll work on some more. I could even make a character or an enemy but I'm not sure about it yet. Currently, I'm not sure if any of this could be used based on jump height and such which would change due to certain features but I will plan it out eventually.

Edit: It was mistaken as programmer art :P I guess it was kind of rushed but it was actually intentional to appear this way. It's not supposed to be realistic or anything. Obviously the first one was just basically me testing the style out. This is basically just an experiment for me currently.

Some of my normal art:

I have many other but normally I make icons and terrain tiles, not unique terrain like the examples in the first post.
C++: Where your friends have access to your private members
Your art is nice looking

from the concept art it was hard to tell if you knew what you were doing artistically or not, but i can see that you obviously do now

the concept art looks rough-ish like i said but i might not be seeing your vision 100%

Rules are made to be broken so maybe you are onto something really neat.

I'd be interested in seeing what you come up with based on the high quality of your "regular" art (:
Now I don't mean to be dismissive because I very much support exploration of new aesthetics, but your concepts look to be simple variations on use of a white paint/airbrush with the spacing setting altered and a bit of playing around with the smudge tool. What I see looks to be the first steps of someone exploring the art tools at their disposal, looking at what products the tools make through unsophisticated use rather than using the tools as a means to facilitate a higher-level expression (higher level in terms of expressing a concept rather than expressing the materiality of the tools/media themselves, in the sense that Modern painting values, for you Fine Art nerds out there).
Heh, it really reminds me of stuff I made with Photoshop back 10 years ago when I was first learning the tools with my shiny new clunky Wacom tablet.

It seems you're new to digital art -- via Gimp? -- and I quite appreciate that you make an effort to write clearly about your intentions, but I think whatever you are proposing would be more clearly and emphatically expressed if you had more practice, more technique to pull from to express whatever your ideas are.

In short I say: draw, practice, learn technique. If you have a good idea in there, put in the effort and make the long-term investment required to express it through means that will do it justice.
Actually, I've been doing digital art and pixel art for around two years. This is somewhat structured dissonance and also just a concept as I've said. I guess I can try and make a more clean version and put one here. It's not supposed to be detailed or really professional. I've had to put that detailed style to use on two games and I just felt like doing art just for doing art. No direction, no target audience.

Here's a new one I tried to structure. The jump height would have to be around 64 pixels. Let me know how this is compared to the others.

[Edited by - Fuji on October 13, 2009 4:15:24 PM]
C++: Where your friends have access to your private members
This might work pretty well if those greyish lines were animated, like vaporizing steam. Right now it's perhaps a bit too minimalistic and empty to be spooky. Reminds me a of Closure bytheway.
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That game is pretty interesting. I'm not sure if I want to go that route exactly with only two colors, but it definitely has the kind of effect I want to portray.

Here is the newest piece I made. I didn't make it so much for a level, but more for just an art piece.

[Edited by - Fuji on October 21, 2009 7:53:43 PM]
C++: Where your friends have access to your private members

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