
Real Time Startegy Game Design

Started by October 02, 2009 12:07 AM
4 comments, last by RGT11 15 years, 4 months ago
So lately ive seen alot of developers trying to reinvent RTS games. Personally I feel that if it ain't broke dont fix it and Blizzard did it best with starcraft. Let me know what yall think *Please disregard this* [Edited by - RGT11 on October 2, 2009 9:36:33 PM]
Sooo...just make a Starcraft clone? Admitting that someone else already did it best (and about 10 years ago to boot) and that can never be topped is an awfully sad thought for a game designer. I think that there is still massive amounts of creativity and originality that can spice up the genre. Finding a good way to make an RTS game with no resource collecting (and nothing that basically is resources with superficial differences) would be a likely frontier to be explored.
no offence starcrafrt has thousands of flaws, and those that cling to it don't know the idea of mass war.

Cavedog had the best concept, and I still play gaspowered's version to this day, and I'm waiting for who ever will come out with SC2 and continue the idea of mass war, rather than controlling small groups, the idea of controlling thousands of troops is real warefare, not a rpg war.
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I'm not mean, I just like to get to the point.
Original post by RGT11
So lately ive seen alot of developers trying to reinvent RTS games. Personally I feel that if it ain't broke dont fix it and Blizzard did it best with starcraft.

Let me know what yall think

Lately I've seen a lot of people trying to reinvent computing machines. Personally, I feel that if it ain't broke dont fix it and the Sumerians did it best with the abacus.

If everyone had your attitude we'd still be living in caves.

Several RTS games have offered significant innovations in the genre: DoW's squad based, small scale tactical combat, Supreme Commander's massive battles and exceptionally powerful interface, Total War's large scale historical formation battles etc. Some people actually prefer some of these games to Starcraft.

[Edited by - Sandman on October 2, 2009 3:02:34 AM]
Original post by RGT11
So lately ive seen alot of developers trying to reinvent RTS games. Personally I feel that if it ain't broke dont fix it and Blizzard did it best with starcraft.

Let me know what yall think

I am sorry I do not agree with you.

That said, let me put a little disclaimer, I LOVE Starcraft. I still play it with my friends and think it is still the absolute pinnacle of fast paced multiplayer centred RTS games.

However, what you are saying is just downright nonsense. Yes, if you were to try and make a game that mimics starcraft you would have a very hard time making it better (hence the very large undertaking popularly called Starcraft 2 currently under way).

If you were to say bring something new into the game, you know, make it different, you can easily make a game that appeals much much more than starcraft to some people. Tastes differ. I never enjoyed playing Age of Empires series when I could have been playing starcraft. Some of my friends enjoyed AoE much more than SC. I myself enjoyed Total War or Heroes of Might and Magic much more than starcraft on some days when I felt like playing TW or HoMM and not SC, even if those days were scarce. :)
-----------------Always look on the bright side of Life!
LOL im very sorry i should have worded that statment better...

Allow me to rephrase

I love the traditional Gather,Build,Destroy associated with alot of rts games
I cant really get into those "tactical Rts games"

I'm saying that theres definatly room to inovate but i love the traditional formula

Starcrat is my favorite Rts and i certainly did not mean it was perfect

Once again sorry for the original post and i'd love some more feedback

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