Original post by Gazillion
There are so many games that I've quit because I got stuck. Sometimes the solution was ridiculous (like having to click on a very small area on the screen or having to speak to a NPC that looks like any other useless NPC in the game)
I remember in splinter cell I spent most of the game running back and forth aimlessly looking for either a cut scene or a tiny place where you could press the action key to make the plot advance. It took me forever to get into the police station because I though you were suppose to climb from the ledges on the sides of building but it turn out your only allowed to grab onto some ledges even if they all look identical. Finally I gave up after getting stuck only to find out I had to use the wall slide move to get through a passage that looks like I should have just been able to walk through it where I assumed it was just blocked by yet another invisible wall.
I'm not sure how I feel about a hint mode. It can definitely be useful but at the same time I feel that if players need a special feature to tell them what their suppose to do next you need to make your game more intuitive.