Original post by LessBread
Let's take a step back for a moment and catch our breath. Do you remember singing songs in elementary school? How many of those songs do you remember?
I only remember one song from first grade and that's "Rocky Raccoon" by the Beatles. It wasn't a song the whole class sang, it was something I learned as part of a special education project that I took part in. I thought it was a song about a raccoon. I had no idea what the song was about until I bought the White Album in high school. I remember singing songs in third grade. The teacher played them on the piano and we sang along. She was old school - and by that I mean she had been teaching since the 1950's. Most of the songs we sang were patriotic songs. America the Beautiful, You're a Grand Old Flag, The Battle Hymn of the Republic, and yes, This Land is Your Land. I'm sure we sang more songs than that, but I don't remember them. And that's my point. If not for the controversy, those kids would probably forget that song in a few years. They'll remember it forever now.
Eh, good point, although you will have a select few who remember this.(For instance, when I first tried to think, I got nothing, but it is now coming back to me. In your defense I WAS prompted to remember.) I probably sung a song or two about Clinton(He was in office during my childhood) and I still don't remember it.
This isn't to say that teachers and schools don't try to teach kids to believe some things. For instance, some teachers force kids to say the pledge of allegiance. This imprints the idea that they HAVE to pledge to this country. I even hear of teachers in High school forcing students to do this.
Another example would be the pep-rallies. At my school, every season the students from every grade are forced to come(to one pep rally or another), and heavily encouraged to cheer along. These are little kids, so of course they are going to do it, it's a big game to them. Since they go through this EVERY year, they are unlikely to think contrary to what they have been told, that school spirit is ALL important, and they must support the football team, or they are against the school. I am starting a petition to allow certain individuals the choice to not attend, under teacher supervision. Most people wont sign it, on the grounds that EVERYONE has to support their school, because we are one big team. Another even discouraged one of the signers from signing it, even though it would not effect her IN THE SLIGHTEST. They do not even consider the notion that school is ONLY for learning, and preparing us for future education. At least, this is my perspective on this.
So, while this particular event may not have an effect, the possibility of it being an ATTEMPT to "conform" kids is still in place, at least in my mind.