
Computer Pranks

Started by August 24, 2009 10:29 PM
40 comments, last by szecs 15 years, 2 months ago
bit of tape over the bottom of the mouse is a good and simple one. as is switching cords around.
Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.
Quote: Original post by d000hg
Quote: Original post by Hodgman
Take a screenshot of the desktop, then move all the icons around, then use the screenshot as the desktop background! Now there will be two of every icon the fake (screenshot) one and the real one.

You can also include the start-bar in the screenshot, but then drag it to the side of the screen so they think the start-button is broken ;0
I slightly tweak that... take the screenshot then move all icons off the screen and set start bar to hide (or even better adjust the screen height so it's off the bottom of the screen).

Or arrange by penis.
My manager did this to me at work.
I don't remember the exact steps, but you can change the 'boot' background (not sure what its called, the first screen that comes up when you log in) by changing a file in the registry. My boss put together a 'collage' of people I despise at work and set that as my background. I booted up my pc and there they were...all of my enemies staring me in the face.
It took me a while to figure out how to remove it...
The best one:

Come up to his computer, pause for a second, then flip his mouse upside down and say "Take that!"
In my school people find it funny to rearrange the keyboard so it says swear words.

You could make a simple program that brings up a pop up box and when you press ok, it brings up another and this continues to happen.

You could fill it with the lyrics from a song, each message box brining up the next line of the song and then when you get to the end it says; "Start from the beginning", with yes and no. This is where you position the yes button where the ok button would of been. So when they click like a mad man trying to get it to the end they'll hit yes and start all over again!
Here to learn :)
I documented my dastardly deeds in my journal a few months ago.

Basically I sabotaged the computer of a girl in one of the Comp Sci classes in high school with a program that she could not close. Neither the CS teacher nor the school's computer administrator could figure it out.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Hooking up a wireless mouse or keyboard usually results in some pretty epic reactions. Especially if you are nearby and they don't suspect you're actively pranking them.

A friend at college was trying to play counterstrike once, and his roommate had hooked up a second wireless mouse. Every 30 seconds or so the roommate would randomly flick his finger across the optical sensor of the second mouse and my friend's aim would get completely screwed up.

It took him about 15 minutes before he caught his roommate with the second mouse.
Add a line to the HOSTS file to direct every page request to a rickroll. (Or a shock site...)
Quote: Original post by Gaiiden
I documented my dastardly deeds in my journal a few months ago.

Basically I sabotaged the computer of a girl in one of the Comp Sci classes in high school with a program that she could not close. Neither the CS teacher nor the school's computer administrator could figure it out.

Funny story. You could improve this by coding a windows-service that would load the program if it is task-killed.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Quote: Original post by owl
Quote: Original post by Gaiiden
I documented my dastardly deeds in my journal a few months ago.

Basically I sabotaged the computer of a girl in one of the Comp Sci classes in high school with a program that she could not close. Neither the CS teacher nor the school's computer administrator could figure it out.

Funny story. You could improve this by coding a windows-service that would load the program if it is task-killed.

Had I known that at the time I so would have [grin]

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

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