Original post by HostileExpanse
Original post by Eelco
Original post by HostileExpanse
Here .... for those that are interested in some of the numbers, a few of those silly "Keynesians" at Harvard studied one aspect where we may be able to save hundreds of billions:
Oh yes, its the 'paperwork' thats the problem.
For someone who implies that he isn't presumptuous, your vague aspersions against the Harvard study are pretty strange.
If you knew anything about the productivity drained because of what healthcare providers have to go through in dealing with multiple private insurances and their myriad appeal processes, maybe you'd be less quick to levy your vague attacks.
If you had anything but vague assertions, maybe i could bring myself to care.
Yeah, arbitration has a cost. I have no doubt it is blown out of proportion by all sorts of sillyness, but thats an argument against sillyness, not against private insurance.
Excuse me if i dont buy the 'competition only costs time and money let the government cut out the middle man and everything will be fine' mantra. Its old, it has been tried, and it hasnt worked.
I mean, think of all the time you could save if you didnt have to go shop for groceries, but if some bureocrat dediced what you should eat. Imagine the savings, and the resultant workers' paradise!
Oh wait.