
I can't think of anything other then video games...

Started by July 20, 2009 09:08 AM
51 comments, last by emforce 15 years, 3 months ago
I am unable to hold a conversation with anyone because the only things I am really interested in are video games and programing. When I go out on dates they are talking about things like music, movies, school and books. I have to just nod my head and try to keep the conversation going by asking question or we get in to a really staring thing... What can I do to hold normal conversations with people, mainly girls? [Edited by - CodaKiller on July 20, 2009 10:58:37 AM]
Remember Codeka is my alternate account, just remember that!
Don't sit at your computer all day.
Hmm.... listen to music, watch movies, work on your school assignments? I'm a huge gamer too, but often play games WHILE listening to music or watching movies, it's as much interesting. Always try to learn new things, always try to stay up to date with current entertainment/technology/world events, read news articles. You can't come short of conversations ideas when you always have something new.

My question is, how do you manage to get dates without going out to a techno-infested bar/club or using crappy web-dating services?
Develop a personality.
I was driving across the state last week and as we drove through small towns, I was imagining the best place to setup a smoker to ambush survivors... Not quite the same problem you're having, but definitely an indication I've been playing too much Left4Dead Versus.
Get some (more varied) interests.

- Jason Astle-Adams

I've been wondering if I have Asperger syndrome, though I can tell what other people are feeling based on facial expression so I'm not entirely sure if thats whats wrong with me.
Remember Codeka is my alternate account, just remember that!
No, I think what is "wrong" with you is that your interests are way too narrowly focused such that you have difficulty establishing a common ground upon which to have a meaningful social interaction with another person (such as a girl).

The solution is to broaden your interests.
Read a book. Watch a film. Go to a play. Pay attention.

Things worth talking about are all around you, but you have to notice them. Good luck.
Asperger's is a problem with very specific symptoms that a psychologist (psychiatrist?) diagnoses you with. It's not an excuse for complete failure to develop social maturity.
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