Hi, I have a pretty decent 3D engine. I can draw models, sprites, load textures without a problem, and I can fly around with my cam, use lights and all the basic stuff. I have been putting this off for way too long - but I've finally taken the step to actually make the models do something. The problem is, I can't display my bones correctly. If I draw them like points, they appear like they should, assuming that bones[...].position[...] in the ms3d spec file is the joints absolute x-,y-,z- coordinates and not anything relative to a given position - like its parent-joint. I try to connect the joints positions with a line for every joint that has a parent, that is I push two vertices at a time into a vertexbuffer in the order: parent, child, parent, child, parent, child,... and then render the buffer like a list of separate lines with D3DPT_LINELIST. My problem is that I get these failed bones:
The Failed Bones Compared to how they should be:
The bones in Milkshape 3D Below is the linkage between all the joints in psuedo-code. (A correct text-dump of the actual MS3D-file) Each valid joint is linked with the indexes of the parent- and child- joints. Much the same as how the triangles are linked through the indexes of the vertexbuffer. So the syntax in the bone-list below is: bone( index ) = ( parent-joint, child-joint ) I can't see where the problem is... Everything seems fine in the dump file. Tey seem correctly linked. And I have loaded the file correctly, that much I know for sure. I've double-checked with an MS3D text-dump of the same file.
Any help would be appreciated, and if you can't see a problem in my logic or how I've linked the bones or how I've rendered them, then that would also be appreciated so I atleast know that much. Is the problem with the rendering of the bones or the linking of them?
Vertices( 839 )
Triangles( 1007 )
Mesh Groups( 2 )
Materials( 5 )
Textures( 5 )
Joints( 28 )
Bones( 27 )
Frames( 300 )
FPS( 25.00 )
Bone(0) = { 0, 1 }
Bone(1) = { 1, 2 }
Bone(2) = { 1, 18 }
Bone(3) = { 1, 23 }
Bone(4) = { 2, 3 }
Bone(5) = { 3, 4 }
Bone(6) = { 4, 5 }
Bone(7) = { 5, 6 }
Bone(8) = { 5, 8 }
Bone(9) = { 5, 14 }
Bone(10) = { 6, 7 }
Bone(11) = { 8, 9 }
Bone(12) = { 9, 10 }
Bone(13) = { 10, 11 }
Bone(14) = { 11, 12 }
Bone(15) = { 12, 13 }
Bone(16) = { 14, 15 }
Bone(17) = { 15, 16 }
Bone(18) = { 16, 17 }
Bone(19) = { 18, 19 }
Bone(20) = { 19, 20 }
Bone(21) = { 20, 21 }
Bone(22) = { 21, 22 }
Bone(23) = { 23, 24 }
Bone(24) = { 24, 25 }
Bone(25) = { 25, 26 }
Bone(26) = { 26, 27 }
Joint(Joint1).Index: 0
ParentIndex: -1
Joint(Joint2).Index: 1
ParentName: Joint1
ParentIndex: 0
Joint(Joint3).Index: 2
ParentName: Joint2
ParentIndex: 1
Joint(Joint4).Index: 3
ParentName: Joint3
ParentIndex: 2
Joint(Joint5).Index: 4
ParentName: Joint4
ParentIndex: 3
Joint(Joint6).Index: 5
ParentName: Joint5
ParentIndex: 4
Joint(Joint7).Index: 6
ParentName: Joint6
ParentIndex: 5
Joint(Joint8).Index: 7
ParentName: Joint7
ParentIndex: 6
Joint(Joint9).Index: 8
ParentName: Joint6
ParentIndex: 5
Joint(Joint10).Index: 9
ParentName: Joint9
ParentIndex: 8
Joint(Joint11).Index: 10
ParentName: Joint10
ParentIndex: 9
Joint(Joint12).Index: 11
ParentName: Joint11
ParentIndex: 10
Joint(Joint13).Index: 12
ParentName: Joint12
ParentIndex: 11
Joint(Joint29).Index: 13
ParentName: Joint13
ParentIndex: 12
Joint(Joint14).Index: 14
ParentName: Joint6
ParentIndex: 5
Joint(Joint15).Index: 15
ParentName: Joint14
ParentIndex: 14
Joint(Joint16).Index: 16
ParentName: Joint15
ParentIndex: 15
Joint(Joint17).Index: 17
ParentName: Joint16
ParentIndex: 16
Joint(Joint18).Index: 18
ParentName: Joint2
ParentIndex: 1
Joint(Joint19).Index: 19
ParentName: Joint18
ParentIndex: 18
Joint(Joint20).Index: 20
ParentName: Joint19
ParentIndex: 19
Joint(Joint21).Index: 21
ParentName: Joint20
ParentIndex: 20
Joint(Joint22).Index: 22
ParentName: Joint21
ParentIndex: 21
Joint(Joint23).Index: 23
ParentName: Joint2
ParentIndex: 1
Joint(Joint24).Index: 24
ParentName: Joint23
ParentIndex: 23
Joint(Joint25).Index: 25
ParentName: Joint24
ParentIndex: 24
Joint(Joint26).Index: 26
ParentName: Joint25
ParentIndex: 25
Joint(Joint27).Index: 27
ParentName: Joint26
ParentIndex: 26
struct Bone{
unsigned short parentIndex;
unsigned short childIndex;
[Edited by - novousmihi on July 3, 2009 8:28:17 AM]