Rather than trying to apply a whimsical "do anything" system with your magic, instead try to think of the magic system in terms of features of a game that enable magic-wielding players to alter the physical properties of objects (with the added flash for visual effect).
I don't see it as 'whimsical'. I started this idea, and I'm still working on it, with the only purpose of finding a way to represent, roughly, a very large number of concepts, which could define the most common and normal spells. Such an idea could be possibly be adapted for a game, but if I had to design, from scratch, a magic system for a game I certainly wouldn't try to be such overly complicated, and I would focus more on the actual powers I believe the player needs in the game scenario.
Also, it is not as if this project is impossible. The only problem right now is to keep things intuitive and understandable ( and good looking ); if I just wanted to create a 'do anything' system I would have already created it, but it would be incredibly messy and complicated.
Yes, any magic system in a game is ultimately limited by what can be effected in that game world.
Anything in any world is ultimately limited by what can be affected by it in that particular world. I can't see your point.
So far, all I have seen in this magic system that can be effected is Shape, Damage type and Damage strength. That is not much really.
I'm sorry you've seen only that. Also, I have never mentioned Damage type runes and Damage strength runes. What I did mention, however, where Shape, Element and Effect runes, which describe what does a particular spell create, in which form, and where. I also did mention that my spells have different levels of power, but isn't it common in spells?
I would try to come up with a more descriptive mechanism, that can describe various combinations of curved and straight-edged shapes, as well as simple ones. Make it so that, with a large enough complex of symbols, I could describe the shape of a plant, or a person
Wow, I'd love to be able to create something like that, but being able to describe completely a plant or person outline, I think it's beyond my grasp. And remember that it should be also intuitive, you should be able to understand what the outline represents - and making symbols like 'the shape here is turning right', 'the shape here is straight' just doesn't seem the right way ^_^". Even if, instead of symbols to be less complicated, you'd draw the real outline, not all the people would be able to do the same.
An idea less complicated, which also helps distinguish 2d from 3d? ^_^