Need Help finding a small Power Supply...
Hi, i am currently trying to find a power supply for computer in case of a power cut, but the thing is, those things are made to keep power for like 30min-1h or so... That's too much for me, all i want is something that can do the same stuff but for like 1-2min only(even less), because where i live, power cut generally last less than 1-2 sec most of the time, so i was wondering, is there something out there that can do that for a small price?
this will probably suit your needs. Total time all depends on your total load requirements.
EDIT: this search might be what you're looking for, too.
EDIT: this search might be what you're looking for, too.
[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]
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