This basicly works like the Water&CornStarch-trick. 2) Invisibility Cloak -
It doesn't make you disappear completely which is a good thing 'cause if it did the light wouldn't reach your eyes making you blind aswell. Once again this would effect ranged combat alot more then close range since they won't be able to see the weird refraction at range. 3) Carbon Nanotube Muscles - These would greatly increase strength and speed. 4) Evasive NeuroTech - If this could be used in combination with the Muscles allowing your body to response alot quicker then a normal human could. So where lies the problem? The Armor. Eventho Carbon NT Muscles are extremely strong and the DragonSkin Armor stops almost every bullet it still doesn't solve the problem. The kinetic energy will simply pass and mess you up nontheless. I came up with: Cloak-DragonSkin (think StarWars / Akatsuki (Naruto)). You would still be vulnerable at some spots but a large part of it would hang infront of your body unable to pass the energy to your body. However, I want to have it as realistic as possible and somehow it simply sounds weird ... a dress in combat?. I try to maintain a certain amount of logic/realisme even if it is a game. *)So my question to you is, does this indeed sound weird? *)What would be more realistic? *)Does any of you have a better solution? I'm awaiting your responses/opinions/feedback. ^_^