
Resource to learn art

Started by May 25, 2009 07:50 PM
-1 comments, last by Qitsune 15 years, 9 months ago
Hey peeps... A lot of people around wonder how to get better at game art so I thought I'd pimp a community of artists of which I've been part for a long time. A lot of you have heard of (and a lot have not!) but did you know that they have a youtube channel where you can watch bits of video tutorials. There's the more basic photoshop tips like Photoshop mask with Whit and there's the super advanced oil painting tuts but even if they are just samples of the full lenght videos which are downloadabe for a fee, there is stuff to learn fro the free stuff (and if you get hooked like me, you can buy the full vids.)Linky to youtube Edited to add image to one of the new ones, so you see that this guy can draw [Edited by - Qitsune on May 26, 2009 8:19:15 PM]

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