
creating the DUAL of a geodetic sphere (3dsMax)

Started by May 06, 2009 01:42 PM
0 comments, last by m4gnus 15 years, 9 months ago
I got a bit of an unorthodox problem... Allthough 3dsMax can generate a geodetic sphere without fuss, there doesn't seem to be the possibility to create its dual. what I mean is this: the standard geodetic sphere is divided into triangles: while its dual would be divided into hexagons and pentagons, similiar to a soccer ball (just that I need a bit more faces than a standard soccer ball): I have not found any function nor plugin that would let me create the dual of a geodetic sphere. Nor did I find any allready existing models to download. Does anybody have an Idea how to get one/create one?
Tutorial:How to create a soccerball fom a geosphere

it is for maya but you sould be able to follow the steps in 3dsmax without a problem.

good luck.

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