
Auto face generator

Started by April 30, 2009 07:45 AM
9 comments, last by megetron 15 years, 9 months ago
Hello, I am building a web game, that auto generates a person, with a specific age, height, weight and so on. What I wish to get now, is an automatic face. an image that will be generated automatically and will be unique for each person in my database. so, I made a little research and found wonderfull program that help FBI and police to detect missing pepole or criminals. you can view it here: but the problem with such problems is that it doesnt generates automatically and so, I cannot connect it through an API, or other tools. that means I will have to generate manually the faces, and this is not something I want. what I need is a good tool to auto generate faces and upload the image to web server. I hope you know such. I made lots of searching around google but couldn't found anything like I need. as a game developers I know that this requierment exist and thats the reason I ask for help here, hope to learn from your expirience. Thanks.
You could manually create several "key" faces, and then use a morphing algorithm to automatically generate faces that are in between two "keys".

e.g. if you have (manual) data for "Male 80kg" and "Male 100kg", but need (automatic) data for "Male 90kg", then you do a 50% morph between the two manual images.

Original post by Hodgman
You could manually create several "key" faces, and then use a morphing algorithm to automatically generate faces that are in between two "keys".

e.g. if you have (manual) data for "Male 80kg" and "Male 100kg", but need (automatic) data for "Male 90kg", then you do a 50% morph between the two manual images.

How do I do that? do you mean I have option to do "key" with the "FACES" program I just sent the link?

Where do I enter this keys? please be more specific.
When I said "key", I was referring to "keyframe animation".
You could generate the key-frames using any program (including FACES). Then you would use an image manipulation program to create new images by morphing between two of the key-frames.
e.g. here is a key-frame of Bush and Schwarzenegger, and the 50% morph image is shown in the middle:
First time I run into this trick was on michael jackson clip, black or white :)

to make such I will need bunch of images, and then generate it one by one.

What I am looking is a script that generates thousands of images/faces using an open source code, so I could manipulate it on code behind. a script that can control the eye and skin colors and much more control options.

I think that to doing such I need are gallery that will create the faces.

what are my options? how other game developers doing faces rendering automatically. in my database I have thousands of automatic persons created, and every day new charaters born to the game. everytime a new charater born, I need to automatically create a new fac for it. the character is created online, on the web (it is an MMPORG game), and I need to generate the face online and not manually edit it.

do you have another solution might work for this requierment?

thank you for your help.

One method I can think of that I've been planning to implement in one of my projects is to draw up a large gallery of facial parts. Different eyes, different mouths, eyebrows, etc. This will be your "gallery" as you said. Then, let the computer take this gallery of parts and piece them together in-game on-the-fly to generate random or context-sensitive (requires each part to have one or more adjectives attached to them) faces, much like the classic Mr. Potato Head toys.

Lets say you draw 5 face containers (your facial shape/outline), 5 eyes, 5 eyebrows, 5 noses, 5 ears, 5 mouths, and 5 head hairs. The number of different face figures you can produce from this "gallery" of 35 items is in the several tens of thousands - now that is a hellava lot of possibilities. Add in color, positioning, and size variation (I would use a method to which affects the image), and you would have even more.
It's not cheap, but it's really powerful

They do a have a free demo product to play around with.

TruSim have been doing some cool face generation stuff, take a look at this...
Original post by snak

I need the SDK solution to create the image on the fly. SDK is more the 1K$.
ths solution creates even movments and so on. so this is why the price is that high. all I need is the face image to add to character as image profile.

Do you know other cheaper solutions?
You're asking for a lot here. :) There's two major problems -- first, faces are complicated, and automatic face generation is thus necessarily also complicated. Second, face generation is going to require a lot of information about how real faces are put together -- all that data is unlikely to be free. I honestly don't think you're going to find a cheap, high-quality face generator.

If you don't need high-quality, you could throw together a compositor yourself without too much difficulty. Do something like what Nintendo does for the Miis on the Nintendo Wii: make a bunch of (very simple) eyes, ears, noses, mouths, etc., pick one from each category, and slap them onto a spheroid. This does fine for cartoony stuff.
Jetblade: an open-source 2D platforming game in the style of Metroid and Castlevania, with procedurally-generated levels

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