I was bored infront of google.
There's one thing I don't understand.
Why does 1299.22388^99 = 1.79769266 × 10^308 get calculated.
But not 1299.22389^99?
What's so special about 1.79769266 × 10^308?
Happy Easter :)
The number format they use is an IEEE-754 double. This is a pretty standard format for programs that want to be able to store really big real numbers.
I'm probably going to say something wrong here, but anyway:
Numbers of this form roughly look like c * 2 ^ q, where c is a number between 0 and 2, and q has a maximum value of 1023.
So the highest number you can represent is around 2 ^ 1024. If you punch in the numbers on a really big calculator, you can see that 2 ^ 1024 is really close to 10^308 (the limit that you found).
More information here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754
I'm probably going to say something wrong here, but anyway:
Numbers of this form roughly look like c * 2 ^ q, where c is a number between 0 and 2, and q has a maximum value of 1023.
So the highest number you can represent is around 2 ^ 1024. If you punch in the numbers on a really big calculator, you can see that 2 ^ 1024 is really close to 10^308 (the limit that you found).
More information here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_754
I think you're right. I remember that number now. I disguise my embarrassment by declaring that this was a contest :P
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