
Max script and bones

Started by April 09, 2009 01:23 PM
-1 comments, last by sascoo 15 years, 8 months ago
Sorry, I don't know if this is the correct forum but I am having some problems with my Max Script and bone animation. I wrote an exporter which exports the vertices, indices, normals, and texcoords and all of those work fine for static meshes. I added bones which get the weights and boneIds and added those to my vertex structure. That appears to be working as well. I tested this by using the skinning shader which comes with the DirectX sdk and passing in an identity matrix as the transform for the bones. Here is my script for generating bones, linking them up, and getting the bone transforms. I am new to skinning so I am fairly certain that I am multiplying the matrices wrong or not linking up the bones correctly.

struct AEMesh
	fn GenSkin = 
			mods = maxMesh.modifiers
		-- look for the skin modifier
		for i=1 to mods.count do
			-- if the mesh has a skin modifier
			if(classof mods as string == "Skin") then
				skinMod = mods
				modPanel.setCurrentObject maxMesh.modifiers			-- Set the modify stack to the current object and the skin modifier
		if(classof skinMod as string != "Skin") then
			return undefined											-- Return if there is no skin modifier.
	fn GenerateBones =
		-- Set up and link the bones
		if skinMod == 0 then
			return undefined
		boneCount = skinops.getNumberBones skinMod						-- Get the number of bones from the skin modifier
		for i=1 to boneCount do
			boneName = skinops.GetBoneName skinMod i 1					-- Returns the name of the bone which is stored in the listbox
			bone = AEBone name:boneName
			boneObjName = skinops.GetBoneName skinMod i 0 				-- Returns the actual name of the bone
			boneNode = getNodeByName boneObjName						-- Get the bone object in the scene based off of the name in the skin modifier
			bone.boneObj = boneNode
			if(boneNode.parent != undefined) then bone.parent = boneNode.parent
			append bones bone	
	fn LinkBones =
		for i = 1 to bones.count do
			if bones.parent != undefined then
				for j = 1 to bones.count do
					if bones.parentBone == bones[j].boneObj then
						bones.parent = bones[j]
				if bones.parentBone == undefined then
					bones.parent = undefined
-- A struct to hold the data needed for animations
struct AEAnimation
	frames = AEFrame #(),
	fn GenerateAnimation bones =
		frames = #()
		frameCount = end-begin+1
		for i = 1 to framecount do
			set time (begin+i-1)
			frame = AEFrame #()
			for b in bones do
				if b.parent != undefined then
					trans = copy b.parentBone.transforms
					if export.coordinateSystem then
						trans = (rightHanded trans)
					trans = inverse trans
					trans = matrix3 1
				trans = b.boneObj.transform * trans
				--trans = b.boneObj.transform
				if export.coordinateSystem == 2 then
					trans = (rightHanded trans)
				-- Append the calculated transforms to the transform array
				append frame.transforms trans
			append frames frame

Any help appreciated, John

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