Original post by LessBread
Original post by capn_midnight
Original post by LessBread
Half the people don't believe that. Half the people barely believe that the top tax rate should be raised from 36% to 39%, and the other half denounces them as socialists for it, that's how programmed Americans are. We're so programmed we squabble over $8 billion in pork in a budget bill days after giving AIG an extra $30 billion on top of the $140 billion we've already given them. We're so programmed we beat ourselves up and say we don't deserve free health care and free education even as the Federal Reserve dumps $5 trillion on Wall Street [1]. That's twice what free health care and free education would cost [2]. We're so programmed we hold contracts with bankers up as sacred, but contracts with union workers we treat like confetti. We're so programmed we would rather let our states go bankrupt than bail them out, even as we bailout the bankers with their offshore accounts. We're not at all programmed the way you say we are. Who's programming you with such false ideas?
The way you have written this it makes it sound like you think the people are displaying some sort of hypocrisy by disapproving of extra spending on pork and health care. That would imply an approval of the bank bailouts, which is distinctly not what happened (it would also imply a fixation on the fallacy of sunk costs). Only 28% approved of the bailouts, over half disapproved. Congress had a 74% disapproval rate. Hell, even Bush was 8 ticks higher. I personally wrote my Congressman and both of my Senators to not vote for the bailout. The point is that the people don't want ANY new spending. If you're taxing one group of people to pay for social services for another group of people, that is redistribution of wealth, that is socialist policy by its very definition.
The hypocrisy is in decrying social outlays that pale in comparison with outlays to long established elites. The hypocrisy is in the double standard applied to contracts with elites compared with contracts with workers. The point I'm making is that people have been programmed to promote policies that are not in their interest. They supposedly don't want any new spending but what that gets them is no new spending on them and increased spending on elites. That's upwards redistribution of wealth and it's just plain stupid, but we've been programmed to denounce spending on the people as socialist and so we end up suckered into paying for spending on elites. At this stage in the game, tax increases aren't about paying for social services, they're about paying for the massive failures of elites, the failures that led to the invasion of Iraq and the failures that crashed the economy, failures that created the gigantic debts the country faces. Elites should pay for those failings with higher taxes, but as soon as higher taxes are suggested, the programming kicks in, the same old complaints about wealth redistribution are trotted out, the fear of socialism is raised, and nothing changes. The people continue paying for the failures of elites and elites continue laughing all the way to the bank. We are programmed to buy into this suckers game and unfortunately, we are programmed to play the role of suckers. Less Bread! More Taxes!
Two wrongs don't make a right. If this Democratic Congress led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid has ignored the will of the people and voted for unpopular bailouts, it does not improve the outlook of pending national bankruptcy by spending "only just a little more" on a government-ran monopoly on health care. But I suppose you look forward to going to the DMV every time you want to see a DM. I could be the fattest, hardest drinking, chain smoking slob on the planet and you want to pay my health care bills.
"The elites should pay for those failings with higher taxes." The elites? Would you care to quantify what establishes one as an elite? You sound like Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Guevara, or Castro, attempting to foment violent animosity in the proletariat against the middle class for the crimes of a minority of the aristocracy. So who are the elite who should pay more taxes for being at fault behind this crash? Those people making more than $250,000 a year? Tell that to a family of four living in Manhattan or San Francisco. How will you differentiate those rich people who came to their prosperity through hard, honest work? Oh wait, I forgot, the socialist world view cannot accept such a person, the rich only got to their position by stomping on the necks of the poor.
The justification for socialism is a lie. It is not an egalitarian love of the poor that motivates the socialist. It is greed, jealousy, and hatred towards the upper class that motivates the socialist. It is just another form of classism, wherein the adherent must stir the pot of unrest in order to give himself a purpose in society. It is central planning that has led to this fiasco, the central planners who told everyone that they were smart, that everything was okay, and that the system was
under control. This system cannot ever be under control, but the central planners sold the public the lie and have laughed all the way to the national banks they own. It took governments to push fractional reserve banking, it took governments to destroy the stability of currency, it took governments to round up the people for the ovens, it took governments to create famines out of favorable agricultural seasons. And your answer is more government. Will you ever learn from your mistakes?