Fear 2
Anyone else pick up the full copy? I'm having a blast with it. The demo was pretty sweet, but the atmosphere in the full game is way more intense.
I don't mean to scare people away, but it reminds me a lot of Doom 3, which I loved [wow]. The only thing that bothers me about it is Snake Fist (yeah), but that's such a minor gripe it's hardly worth mentioning.
Oh - and I've only seen the little girl once or twice - she's now an old, awkward, much more creepy lady. Her posture and figure are a perfect fit. So those of you that are tired of the scary little girl gimick can probably appreciate that.
So, anyone else pick it up? What do you think?
Quote: Original post by extralongpants
I don't mean to scare people away, but it reminds me a lot of Doom 3, which I loved [wow].
So the entire game is practically pitch black, and all you have is a crappy flashlight, and enemies jump out at you from nowhere every chance they get?
Ahaha, yea doom 3 was annoying after 30 minutes.
I wish fear2 was scarier and more bloody though. Side note, I just rented resident evil 5 and I'm upset with it. Such bad game designers.
I wish fear2 was scarier and more bloody though. Side note, I just rented resident evil 5 and I'm upset with it. Such bad game designers.
NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims
Is it still hardcoded for 16:9 screens, and you get huge letterbox bars on 4:3 screens ? I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this in the demo.
Quote: Original post by tstrimpQuote: Original post by extralongpants
I don't mean to scare people away, but it reminds me a lot of Doom 3, which I loved [wow].
So the entire game is practically pitch black, and all you have is a crappy flashlight, and enemies jump out at you from nowhere every chance they get?
Yes. Man up.
fear 2 is good but the first was better. The AI has been dumbed down so casual console tards can handle it. The ending is a bit lame too. The non-slow-mo gameplay is slower than fear 1 so you dont really need the slow-mo anyway.
And yes Resident Evil 5 was total pants. Im very anoyed i paid for it. The worst in the series. Just another shooter, not even survival horror. A thread for RE5 would make me happy but it would be complaining for the sake of it.
And yes Resident Evil 5 was total pants. Im very anoyed i paid for it. The worst in the series. Just another shooter, not even survival horror. A thread for RE5 would make me happy but it would be complaining for the sake of it.
Quote: Original post by RivieraKid
Im very anoyed i paid for it.
As opposed to...?
Original post by Programmer One
As opposed to...?
Stop paying for the series after they ruined it with RE4?
Original post by RivieraKid
The AI has been dumbed down so casual console tards can handle it.
And that is the one reason I disliked FEAR2. I loved the first one because it was an awesome PC shooter. They took FEAR2, and it felt like I NEEDED to be playing it on a console for it to be fun. The slow enemies, aiming boxes, little arcade hit indicators in place of blood, and autoaim all killed the fun. I could just kinda run in, spin around shooting, pick up health and move on.
Something like DeadSpace was a much better port, as it was very fun on the PC and yet still aimed at being good on a console. Or Left4Dead, which still feels like a PC shooter, even though they also had a console port.
I hate when they "dumb things down" for the sake of selling a game. There is a huge difference between something being frustrating because the computer is better than you, and being fun because the computer is better than you. FEAR and MaxPayne both exemplify the mechanic of bullet-time gameplay, where the game is frustratingly impossible hard without slowmo, but fun because slowmo makes a battle a cakewalk. Left4Dead is impossibly hard until you learn the tactics of the game (like don't run off on your own cause a special will kill you). And that makes those games fun. DeadSpace made losing fun. I died to every new enemy or trap i came across because there were so many different special animations for your character's death. COD2 is the opposite end of the spectrum. It teaches encounters through you running in head first, dying, and trying again. Unlike COD1, where it atleast felt like your AI buddies were helping, COD2 just kinda forgoes that leaving you to do 100% of the "exploration through multiple deaths" all on your own.
And I'm not sure I once felt the way I did about the FEAR origional AI. The new level designes of FEAR2 didn't seem to give the AI the chances to flank you nearly as well as the origional. (though I will admit I threw the game down after the intro two sequences feeling cheated out of a game I thought was going to play more like the origional).
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