
Looking for an animated character

Started by March 14, 2009 06:45 PM
3 comments, last by Degra 15 years, 9 months ago
For one of my university programming assignments I'm making a skeletal animation system. I've made the system, but am now in need of the all-important character & animations to show it off. I'd like a skinned humanoid character with a set of walk/run animations (forward, backward, left & right) and an idle - anything else is a bonus. The artwork/animations don't have to be super-awesome as its just to show that I've implemented skinning and animation blending (although I'm not complaining if it is awesome [wink]). I'll only be using it for this one assignment demo so I'm not asking for someone to specially make anything for me, but if you have something kicking around and don't mind me borrowing it for this, or know a website where I could find what I need I'd be extremely grateful. I have access to both 3DSMax, Maya, Milkshape and MotionBuilder so I can use pretty much any format. Thanks in advance, Ed
I know a few people are using these for placeholders :
Take a look at and search for QiwiMan, he ofers some animated models for free.

I'm getting back into Modeling and trying to make a good go at it, I don't have much to show but one pic right now. I am willing to design that animated model you are looking for.
you can email me at or just post here. thanks

Quote: Original post by Aj York
I'm getting back into Modeling and trying to make a good go at it, I don't have much to show but one pic right now. I am willing to design that animated model you are looking for.
you can email me at or just post here. thanks

Thank you very much for the offer, but I've managed to sort out some assets now.

Thanks for your responses,

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