
Maya OBJ export referencing nonexistent texture coordinates

Started by March 02, 2009 06:20 PM
-1 comments, last by Ravuya 15 years, 10 months ago
Hi all, I'm working in a game team this semester and one of my teammates has ginned up a mesh from a polygon surface which I triangulated using the Polygon -> Triangulate tool. There's a lot of problems in Maya 6's OBJ export, such as the fact that some faces reference texture coordinate indices that don't actually exist (there are 1000 or so texture coordinates defined in the file, and the faces reference something up to 2700). I'm assuming this is a side effect of triangulation, but I'm surprised that a tool that costs this much money is this stupid when it comes to exporting meshes. Is there something to look at in Maya for this, or should I just live with it and make my OBJ loader hyper-paranoid?

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