Having problems registering functions
So I started using angelscript a few days ago... Been trying to register some math classes that work with the physics engine im using and I ran into a few problems. First, I have a few math classes that contain arrays. How can I access them in ASCRIPT without helper functions? like vector.v[1]? Second, I tried to get around this using the operator[]. r = g_ascript_engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("neV3", asBEHAVE_INDEX, "float f(int) const", asMETHODPR(neV3,index,(int),neV3&), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 ); It runs the index function fine but thats really just a crappy fix. I can't get asMethodPR to compile with operator[] as the function to call. It worked for other operators like operator+=. Maybe it doesn't like the []? Is there a way around this? I dont know how to get my own function pointer without using that macro thing you got. Any help you could give would be awesome-o.
There's no secret to the operator[], you should be able to take the address of it just like any other operator. Perhaps you can share the compilation error and the declaration you have for the operator?
The registration that you showed us seems to be wrong. You register the operator to return a float by value, but the function pointer is for a method that returns a neV3 by reference. Unless you just typed this wrong when posting here, you'll need to change that or you'll most likely encounter application crashes.
r = g_ascript_engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("neV3", asBEHAVE_INDEX, "float f(int) const", asMETHODPR(neV3,operator[],(int) const, float), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 );
The registration that you showed us seems to be wrong. You register the operator to return a float by value, but the function pointer is for a method that returns a neV3 by reference. Unless you just typed this wrong when posting here, you'll need to change that or you'll most likely encounter application crashes.
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