

Started by February 08, 2009 08:03 PM
4 comments, last by dxj19831029 16 years ago
This code will produce compiling error:

 template<class T, class G>
 class twoTemplateClass {
	 void gg() {}
asMETHOD( twoTemplateClass<int,int>, gg);   // error c2645

asSMethodPtr<sizeof(void ( twoTemplateClass<int,int>::*)())>::Convert((void (twoTemplateClass<int,int>::*)())(&twoTemplateClass<int,int>::gg)); // compile properly.
I directly expand the c and m inside of asMethod, it compiles fine. Is there some problem with Macro expanding? Cheers
The preprocessor doesn't recognize the template brackets so it looks like you're passing three arguments to the macro rather than two. Try using a typedef for your template. Ex:
typedef twoTemplateClass<int,int> myTwoTemplateClass;asMETHOD(myTwoTemplateClass, gg);
It works.
if you have a function template with two arguements, you do this:

It works, but with method, it doesn't.

it looks like compiler can not understand this:
void ( twoTemplateClass<int,int>::*)()

after it expands the term.

Anyway, thanks for the help!

because everytime
Original post by SiCrane
The preprocessor doesn't recognize the template brackets so it looks like you're passing three arguments to the macro rather than two. Try using a typedef for your template. Ex:
typedef twoTemplateClass<int,int> myTwoTemplateClass;asMETHOD(myTwoTemplateClass, gg);

asMETHOD((tmpl<int>),mthd) expands to
asSMethodPtr<sizeof(void ((tmpl<int>)::*)())>::Convert((void ((tmpl<int>)::*)())(&(tmpl<int>)::mthd))

while asFUNCTION((tmpl<int>)) expands to

The first creates an invalid syntax because of the extra parenthesis, but in the second the parenthesis envelopes the entire expression thus doesn't invalidate the syntax.

Unfortunately I don't think there is any other solution than what SiCrane already suggested, i.e. to use a typedef. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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Original post by dxj19831029
It works.
if you have a function template with two arguements, you do this:

It works, but with method, it doesn't.

it looks like compiler can not understand this:
void ( twoTemplateClass<int,int>::*)()

after it expands the term.

The preprocessor is a macro processor fitted to the C programming language, so it will recognise the nestedness of braces. This means the preprocessor will recognise "," as the argument seperator, when it is at the "top-level". But when it is inside a "nest" of "(" and ")" (those nests may contain more nests), it will eat up the "," and write it to the final result.

It will also recognise string literals. Have a look at the following piece of C-code (just for demonstration purposes, actually bad code):

#include <stdio.h>#define ifif(cond, then) if (cond) thenint main() {    int i = 0;    // "," eaten because it is inside "(" and ")"    ifif ( (0==i), printf ("is zero:%i", i);)    // "," eaten because it is inside "(" and ")", has nothing to do with curly braces    ifif ( (0!=i), {printf ("ain't zero:%i", i); })    // ","'s will be eaten because it's inside a string literal    ifif ( (2==i), char *s = ",,,,,,,"; )    // will fail. demonstrates uselessness of curly-braces in that respect.    //ifif ( (0!=i), { puts("ain't"), printf (" zero, dude:%i", i); });    return 0;}

Oh, and btw, let this be an example why you should *never* misuse the C preprocessor as a general purpose text processor, i.e. don't use for anything not C-like.
Thanks for the tips (All). it really helps me a lot.

Original post by phresnel
Original post by dxj19831029
It works.
if you have a function template with two arguements, you do this:

It works, but with method, it doesn't.

it looks like compiler can not understand this:
void ( twoTemplateClass<int,int>::*)()

after it expands the term.

The preprocessor is a macro processor fitted to the C programming language, so it will recognise the nestedness of braces. This means the preprocessor will recognise "," as the argument seperator, when it is at the "top-level". But when it is inside a "nest" of "(" and ")" (those nests may contain more nests), it will eat up the "," and write it to the final result.

It will also recognise string literals. Have a look at the following piece of C-code (just for demonstration purposes, actually bad code):

*** Source Snippet Removed ***

Oh, and btw, let this be an example why you should *never* misuse the C preprocessor as a general purpose text processor, i.e. don't use for anything not C-like.

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