Graphics Designer in 3D and 2D (experienced!) is looking...
...for a Game-project to join. Hi everybody , I would like to be called "hex" simply... I'm 23 years old and I'm working with: Blender (only!) for 3D Modelling, PhotoImpact for vectorized Graphics and Textures The way I'm working: ==================== I'm designing 3D Models in Blender. I've got a perfect knowledge about Faces(tri and quad) verts and everything what comes with it, also I'm using Bones for animating Models. I know how to work with less calculation (for Programmers "low polycount at misc objects and a given guideline for detailed hi-polycount for ingame Models). My favourite export compressions are *.obj (Wavefront) files. Also I've got a good understanding in working with Grids in case a programmer needs to have one object as 2 seperated ones (for example A Railgun+animation which means, the Railpart will be programmed by rotation scripting ..whatever.) I'm able to addapt Engine-Modellers which are working with their own translation,rotation and transformation guidelines. (Oh I need to mention that I'm working with *2 texture-grids 2; 4; 8; 16; 32; 64; 128; 256; 512; 1024 and 2048... higher is only either for complex CHaracter UV-Mapping or a Background...which is pretty common in Game-Programming I figured myself... see Engine-Example on the bottom) And the most important thing: The more detail you want the more time I'll take =P ...also I'm having a real life (a job and that's it ...haha) My english sux pretty much so... I would prefer to work with people who EXACTLY know what they want and people who have time to provide examples to make me understand what it is about. I'm also able to design concepts (1/2 hour pencil-concepts) you know what I'm about to screw around. hehe MY WORK is ALWAYS(!!!) original. Payment?: ========= Well actually noone can tell if a project really hits the stores so we're looking down to: - Payed work (for example: "please make me this or this and I give you a donation) - Non-payed: I'll claim the copyrights for everything I'm doing for you until we're comming up with some Gold ...haha . Let's talk about this later My References: ============== 3D game engine:;13215420;/fileinfo.html This is an DirectX based engine I programmed (nothing fancy. Just to gain experience in Programming). If you're going to type in "start" you will have to move around your mouse a bit to find the trail ;) This example doesn't show a good work because of the purposes like : How to get a model into your Sourcecode and how to tell your script to work with UV-coords. It's very basic. But it shows that I have experience in the game-making direction. hehe Now my 2D stuff: I'm very good with 2D Stuff but it's boring AND NOW... "What I'm looking for": ================================== A Team to join as your Graphics-Dude :) I would instantly join: - SilentHill or ResidentEvil "like" games - MMORPG's like the one and only .....I don't need to say it but... anyways: World of Warcraft. Sooooo... please eMAIL me and drop me a few lines: Thanks everyone kindly and crazy Regards Hex [Edited by - Hexenritter on February 5, 2009 10:09:29 PM]
Team [Logo] Designer // Staff
Can you do / are you interested in modeling space ships, space stations, missiles, weapons, cool explosion textures etc. etc. ?
I am looking for someone to work very closely with on the concept and implementation of components for a space sim.
This will include city scapes as well as more traditional space craft / stations etc.
I am happy to profit share when the project is released and you to retain copyright until then.
What I really need is someone who is in for the long haul to retain a visual style and feel throughout the project.
I am looking for someone to work very closely with on the concept and implementation of components for a space sim.
This will include city scapes as well as more traditional space craft / stations etc.
I am happy to profit share when the project is released and you to retain copyright until then.
What I really need is someone who is in for the long haul to retain a visual style and feel throughout the project.
Feel free to 'rate me down', especially when I prove you wrong, because it will make you feel better for a second....
In general "I'am" :)
I would love to help you with this.
Please, could you write an eMail to "" and post me your Game-Idea and what you've got in mind so far. Also please tell me a few technical things like what compression or datastructure you're working with.
Edit: And the way you wanna work... for example: changing informations by eMail; Teamspeak; Ventrilo; ICQ, MSN.
Thank you
Hex :-)
I would love to help you with this.
Please, could you write an eMail to "" and post me your Game-Idea and what you've got in mind so far. Also please tell me a few technical things like what compression or datastructure you're working with.
Edit: And the way you wanna work... for example: changing informations by eMail; Teamspeak; Ventrilo; ICQ, MSN.
Thank you
Hex :-)
Team [Logo] Designer // Staff
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